Prims By the Water

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Sunday Starts

I'm Back.

Hope everyone is enjoying the New Year thus far.
We finally got some snow yesterday.
Only an inch or so, but it was nice seeing it falling down.
Come February I know I will hate it. LOL

Back in September
when my mom and I visited
the family cemetery plots, 
there was a reason for my madness. 
I had watched a You Tube video
where this person had started stitching samplers
and adding her family names to them.
This is when the light bulb went off.
I wanted to do this for my family,
and I would use one of my newly blank walls
in our keeping room for these.

My quest then began for my first sampler.

I chose this one from Scatter Seed Samplers.

These are the DMC floss colors.
The linen I chose for this project 
is 32 ct Belfast Shale
by Picture This Plus.

Since I knew there would be many samplers
that would need to be stitched,
I ordered floss drops to keep my flosses neat
while being somewhat organized.

These came with a matching keep charm.

Not a fan of green, but green is needed in this one.

This is where I am at now.

Gertrude Osiwala Baranowski 1911-1997
Bruno Baranowski 1908-1971
My maternal grandparents.
My mom was thrilled when she saw this
at Thanksgiving. 

Then while perusing for samplers...
I came across a Halloween stitchery I wanted to do..
This one will use 40 different DMC colors. 
EGAD what was I thinking???

I also ordered more floss drops to keep 
my floss organized for this big project.

This is also the bag I purchased to hold this one in.

A fitting Halloween one.

I also purchased this fun needle minder
as they say you should not keep sticking your
needle into the fabric.
The linen for this one is
32 ct Stormy Night Lugana.
Am loving the shades of gray in this one.

I started this Halloween stitch pattern
back in the last week of October.
There are a total of 12 blocks to finish.
I told Bob if I did one block a month,
it would take me a year to complete.
Well this is block 1,
which I finished the last week of November.

Block 2 I finished Christmas evening.
Each block is 5 3/4 square.

Am hoping I can still keep finishing
a block each month, but there is quite a bit 
of coverage in each block.
Plus I want to complete my first sampler,
and my bird and pear one,
and a second sampler I started on New Year's Day.
Also I take a different cross stitch to work,
and do that one at lunch.
That makes 5 Wip's (works in progress) going.
Plus I worked on Valentine goodies
and hooked a bit on my newest rug.
Again EGAD woman...have you gone MAD???

So every post that falls on a Sunday,
will be some sort of a start that I am working on.

In other news,
Christmas Eve Bob and I worked the stores
 until 3:30.
Driving home it had already started to get foggy.
We heard the freighters sounded their foghorns
all night and into the morning.

We went to Michele's for a spectacular
Christmas dinner
My daughter out did herself
with prime rib and every veggie you could imagine.
Her stuffed mushrooms and Eclair cake were
awesome too!  

New Year's Eve we both worked each store again.
Then came home and I made a few apps,
we each had a glass of cheap champagne 
Bob had bought at the grocery store.
Surprisingly it actually did have a cork and was bubbly.
Bob went to bed at 10 and I at 11.
No watching the new year year ring in for us. LOL

Today I will work the gift shop one more time.
We will need to close to move over
 to our  antique store.
It is bittersweet, but for the best.
I have Valentine & some Spring already ordered.
Will need to get the new space ready for folks to shop.

I hope everyone enjoyed their first week of 2024.
May it be a blessed year for all.

First 2024 Post Blessings To All!


  1. Wow Janice you sure did work your needle fingers to the bone during your blogging hiatus! During your on-line buying frenzy you picked out some nice stitchery designs and cool items. Looking forward to seeing more progress in the future.

  2. I've never seen embroidery floss on little rings like that, I luv it! lots of stitching to keep you busy,I'm trying to finish up some UFOs to make room to start more😄

  3. Wowzer, I am impressed with how busy you have been. Your sampler wall is going to be great.

  4. Wow what treasures you are creating!

  5. Your Scattered Seed Sampler is going to be beautiful. When I stitch (which is not often) samplers are what I prefer. I am not a fan of filling in large areas.
    5 WIP's. That is very ambitious. Hopefully once the gift shop is closed and the merchandise moved to the antique shop, you will have a bit more free time.
    Happy New Year!

  6. Holy cats woman...look at you STITCH! I wouldn't have accomplished that much in a year most likely. Love your sampler...and your linen choice is perfect. And who doesn't love Halloween at Hawk Hollow Run??? I would love to do that myself one day...but, yikes, it's a LOT of stitching LOL. Can't wait to follow along on your projects. ~Robin~

    1. Ooops...that was obviously supposed to be Hawk Run Hollow... Think I'm becoming a bit dyslexic...

  7. I am so impressed by all the cross stitch! The samplers with family names are so special. I may have to start stitching again just for that.
    Hope closing the gift store goes ok and gives you more time to yourself - and to stitch!

  8. That's nice that your daughter outdid herself, and the Christmas dinner was 'spectacular'. I'm very fond of Eclaire cake,myself.
    Wishing you a wonderful 2024 year!

  9. Those samplers are beautiful. you are always so busy and productive. No moss grows under your feet or in this case, your fingers.
    Happy New year, Janice. I hope that you'll have a less hectic 2024.

  10. My fingers hurt just reading about all that stitching! I don't even do that craft but yours are lovely and how nice to do the family samplers! It's great to remember our ancestors. Of course you know I will love, love, love the Halloween ones! Perfect! Good luck on the new chapter of your store. I hope all the moving goes well and soon you can have the shop opened in one place instead of 2 to cover. You work so hard! Have a wonderful beginning of 2024!

  11. You've been so, so busy! The sampler colors look really pretty...I can't wait to see them all done. I think it's good to have lots to keep occupied with on these frosty winter nights. Keep warm - remember to take time for yourself to unwind.

  12. I hope you're so enjoying your new year and send all good wishes. What a lovely post. I'm having a vision of the foghorns blowing -- a nice one. I do like the sampler idea. But wow! That'll be a project! Onward through 2024!

  13. Wow, those stichery squares are amazing! I like to do some needle work, but never really did much cross stich. I love the look of it tho. I didn't make it to midnight either.

  14. Happy New Year, I love the projects. I would love to hear the foghorns, I bet it never gets old. :-)
    Love, Carla

  15. Janice what a fun , but energetic project. I love the look of old samplers and yours are going to be spectacular. I miss doing cross stitch but even though my eyesight is good I don't think it is good enough to do it anymore. I will live vicariously through you..xxoJudy


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