Prims By the Water

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Jolly Ole Elf

With November here,
its time for me to start digging out
my Christmas decor and start planning 
what will go up or not.
Some will think I am crazy....
but I do like to enjoy Christmas as much as I can.
I will have my
 Thanksgiving CupboardScape up though.

This is the the jolly ole elf I made.
I took one of Bob's old painted up red shirt,
and salvaged what I could to make him.
His face and hands are Onasburg.

I had a little bit of this coverlet piece left.

So I used it for the brim of his hat.

I tied a rusty bell to the end of his hat,
with some faux greens and bakers twine.

I also gave him a belt of more twine and bells.
His hat was a checked fabric.
All grungied up in a coffee stain bath.

His beard is real lambs wool I stitched on.

All hand sewn for a more prim look.

Available now at our store while supplies last.

In other news,
my daughter felt her interview went well.
They will let her know this week
after they interview a few others if she has the job or not.
She has another phone interview with  CPA firm
this week. She decided to keep the job search up until
she gets hired by someone.
Thank you to everyone for wishing her the best.

With the nice weather we had last week,
Bob was able to finish the hearth for our fireplace
in the back room.
We were going to purchase some brick,
but we forgot we had some left from our real
fireplace chimney replacement, 
which we did years ago.
We decided it was a no brainer to use those.
It looks great.
Once he finishes the beams, I can finish
up putting things back where they belong.
We re both thrilled at how it is turning out.
Am so thankful to have my very own handyman.

I lost another cousin last week.
He was only 62 and died in his sleep.
That makes 2 this year, but no where near
the loss that Robin (Cranky Crow) has had this year.

My hooking has taken back stage to stitching.
I purchased this huge Halloween pattern.
I told Bob if I stitched one block a month,
it would be done for next Halloween.
Not even finished with one block yet.
This might take 2 years to finish...
or more. UGH

Well off to make breakfast.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

Jolly Elf Blessings To All!


  1. Cute jolly ole elf!
    Sorry for the loss of your cousin!
    Wishing your daughter success with finding the right job!

  2. Your jolly elf is very cute and perfectly primitive!
    I hope your daughter finds just the right job. My SIL is in that same search.
    I'm so sorry about your cousin.

  3. My sympathy for your loss.
    The Santa is very well done, every choice you've made is spot on. He's a real treasure for sure. Santa collectors need him.

  4. So sorry for your loss. Such a young age.
    I look forward to seeing your back room all finished and decorated to perfection ;-)

  5. I'm sorry about your loss, Janice and I hope that your daughter gets the job that she's hoping for.
    Your customers will love your prim Santa. Hoping to see your back room all finished soon.
    Hugs, Julia

  6. So very sorry for the loss of your cousin. Those "too-soon" and unexpected deaths always seem a bit more painful. Your jolly ol' elf is adorable. I bet he'll be another hit with all his thoughtful details. I'm glad to hear the project is moving along. Now the fun can begin. ~Robin~

  7. Sorry to hear about your cousin.
    Hope your daughter gets the job.
    Your little elf is so cute.

  8. I love your Santa you are always so busy being creative. glad your home projects are coming along

  9. That little elf is really are so talented! I'm sorry to hear about your loss...62 is just too young. Sending good wishes for the job opportunities...I know what a worry and how many sleepless nights that causes; we've been there more than once.

  10. I am so sorry aboutyour cousin. You've been through so much loss of late. And I do love your very sweet elfin Santa!

  11. Sending hugs and prayers.
    2022 was our year of so many loved ones heading home to heaven, it was hard.
    Keep us updated on your daughter.
    Love, Carla

  12. I'm sorry for the loss of your cousin. He was young! I'm glad your projects are coming along and you're very lucky to have such a handy hubby! I'm sure it will look really lovely and I'll look forward to seeing the results. Your Santa is really cute! I don't know if I'll decorate as much this year. Just not looking forward to all the hauling of decorations from the basement! Maybe the desire will hit when it's closer to December. Have a good week!


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