Prims By the Water

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Falling In Love With Fall

 Hello friends!
I dont know about your Autumn decorating,
but I truly believe that the colors of this season
really brings out the best in any room.
Thus I will let the colors tell their story today.

Hope you enjoyed some of my Autumn decor.
A little bit more to come.

In other news,
the other night my daughter came home from work 
to a shattered doorwall.
It is a double paned one, and the outer pane
was the one shattered, but all still in place.
She has no idea how it happened.
With my grandson in Maine,
the possibility of her losing her job due
to the autoworkers strike and now this....
she called Bob in tears.
He got in touch with the guy who replaced
our glass door at the gift shop.
He quoted her a lot less than other places she
had contacted.
In the meantime, Bob told her to put a tarp
down in case it breaks all together.
She says it keeps popping every now and then.
We know she is struggling right now,
so we will help her out.

Bob has been slowly working on our back room.
Two walls are completely finished now.
Lots of construction and sawing of wood.
He had to fix the drywall in some places too.
The paint colors I chose were
Benjamin Moore.
Elmira White HC-84 (walls)
Fairview Taupe  HC-85 (trim and door)
Ceiling will remain the same...
but its been so long dont remember that color.
Some kind of off white though.
He had some 100 year old wood stashed,
so I cannot wait to see what he does with that.
He only works on it 2 days a week,
so this is why it is taking so long.

The other day I had to pick up cat food
for Shadow at the vet.
He is on prescription food now.
Anyways, at the restaurant nearby
two cars pulled in and out came 5 ladies
dressed as white witches.
There was a brisk wind that day.
All of them were holding onto their hats,
while their dresses were
blowing in the wind.
It was a cute sight and made me giggle.

The day of the nationwide
 phone and tv test,
we had our little tv on.
It stopped working after the test.
Bob had said he was seeing a line go through it
for a few weeks now.
Coincidence it happened the day of test.
One will never know.
We ordered a new one from Best Buy.
It came in yesterday.
Problem is Bob did not look at how it stood on
a table...and of course it wont fit on the drysink.
Of course its my fault even though Bob ordered it. 
Typical man who does not think. LOL
For now he put a large board on top to fit.
I of course do not like this.

When I arrived at the store yesterday,
This Sweet Annie was greeting me.
A little birdie left it for me, but the canary sang
(our worker) and told  me who left it.
Thank you Sandy!
I love it so and it made my day!!!

Finally Bob turned our furnace on this morning.
Tundra called him a wimp. LOL
Temps only getting into the 50's this week.
Autumn has arrived.

Falling In Love With Fall Blessings To All!



  1. Yup, think fall has arrived...again, lol. This time it will last. I have on sweatpants, LS shirt and sweat vest so will hold off turning on heat for as a long as I can take it.
    Love your hooked pieces; I know you hooked the bunnies but don't know about the cabin and willow tree one or the floral.
    Sorry to hear the struggles of your daughter and a lot of folks are dealing with a financial and job issues yet this administration has allowed hundreds of thousands of people from around the world to cross the southern border.

  2. Lovely snippets of fall and so many yummy treasures in these photos. You're right, the colors speak for themselves and can warm any room. So unfortunate for your seems, to me at least, that misfortune likes company even more so than misery. Hope she gets the window replaced quickly. Good thing you and Bob are able to help in so many ways. Can't wait to see your back room. I thought it was a bit of rearranging...but it sounds like full-scale overhaul and then some with construction and sawing going on. How I wish you could have gotten a photo of the white witches! Cold here too...we're in the 40's for highs now. Heat has been on for some time now. Happy Sunday! ~Robin~

  3. So sorry about your daughter's troubles. Wouldn't home owners insurance pay?
    I love fall I just want it to last longer.

  4. All your fall photos are beautiful.
    Sorry to hear about your daughters problems.
    It was only 37 degrees here this morning!! I think we've seen the end of sitting on the porch weather!

  5. UGH! We went from summer hot to fall cold overnight.
    Hopefully your daughter got the doorwall taken care of. Funny. My DSO lived in MI for decades and he calls that a doorwall, too. Here in Ohio, we call it a sliding glass door.
    Hopefully daughter will not lose her job and all is well with your grandson in Maine.

  6. Your fall decor is lovely and it does make your house warm and inviting.
    So sorry about the problems your daughter is having. I hope the house insurance will pay for the replacement.
    The yard is full of fallen leaves. Autumn has arrive in a hurry, here.
    Take care, hugs.

  7. I really like all your stuff - Your home seems like a step back to a different time. Love it. So you are painting as well. Fun huh?
    Sorry about your daughter. I can see why she would get upset and with all that is going on.
    Today we are having some Fall weather. This is after a week of 95 degrees. I am so sick of Hot weather. It is 72 degrees now with some rain in the forecast.

  8. Falling in love with fall! It happens every year. Wow, I love your wonderful old fall-inspired prims.

  9. Sending hugs... lots of ups and downs.
    We turned on the furnace too... cool, damp and windy.
    Happy October, Carla

  10. I'm sorry your daughter is having a hard time right now. No matter how old our kids are we worry about them and step in to help when needed. Parenting is an eternal job! I love the Autumn season with it's orange colors and they look great in your photos! I love orange and decided to paint my computer room what I hoped was a dull orange..but nope, it's sort of bright and I get made fun when someone sees it. However, I like it a lot! We turned the furnace on too. The cold is one thing but when it's damp and chilly I need to up the heat a bit!

  11. Tundra's whimp comment made me laugh. Wonderful inspirational photos. Prayers for your daughter. Things keep getting tougher for sure. The gift shop looked wonderful as usual, cant wait to see Christmas my favorite. Glad you enjoyed the sweet Annie. My patch keeps growing and if you want I can try and dig up a patch for you to plant.

  12. I'm an Autumn person, too. The trees, the cooler temperatures, activities, and enjoying the festivals!!!


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