Prims By the Water

Monday, October 16, 2023

Before The Chaos

Hello friends!
Today I wanted to show you a portion
of our back room before Bob started the reno.
The former colors were a gray green with gray trim.
It matched really well with our couch,
which is now in our living room.

I only showed you a portion of this room.
Remember there were lots of totes around,
even our Christmas tree.
You could not even see the couch although
we had just switched both out.
Cannot wait until this is completed.
Bob could not work on this last Thursday
as he had to take his dad to a doctor appt.
Friday he worked our antique store
as he took off the one day to help me
out at the gift shop.
Saturday it rained, so he could not bring 
out his saws.
Will be glad when this is complete.

In other news,
I somehow lost my wedding ring the other day.
Am devastated about this.
My mom told me yesterday to pray to St Anthony,
and it might show up.
I think it is in the house somewhere, 
but only God knows where right now.

We did fairly well for our first weekend of
Christmas sales.
It was a rainy weekend, plus sales
always seem to slow down when football is going on.

Vacation is over now, so off to work.
Hoping everyone has a wonderful week.

Before The Chaos Blessings To All!


  1. Prayers you find your ring!
    Sofas and chairs are notorious for consuming jewelry, glasses and cell phones.

  2. Oh I do hope you find your ring soon! You are always busy with your home We have painting that needs to be done too.

  3. I'm sure your back room will be prim perfection.
    Prayers you find your ring. Go St. Anthony!!!

  4. I am praying along with you to find your wedding ring. Please keep us updated.
    Sending hugs,

  5. You have some amazing beautiful pieces to decorate your back room. I hope that you find your wedding ring soon.

    I lost my wedding ring two years ago. I've searched high and low and prayed to St Anthony but didn't find it. I have a suspicion that it fell off my finger and into one of the compost bins along with the million cucumber peels when I was making pickles. That is when I noticed that it wasn't on my hand. I had lost weight and it must have slipped off my finger. In the same year, my diamond fell out of my engagement ring but fortunately found it on the mat by the front door. The office light made it sparkle and I found it quite by accident. If my wedding band is in one of my compost bin, I'll find it when I'll screen the compost. I just haven't had time to search for it.

    Hugs, Julia

  6. I really like that gray green color.
    Glad your initial sales are going well.
    A few years ago I lost my diamond out of my ring, noticed it at work and we looked everywhere. We finally gave up and I got a new diamond. About six months later I was changing out purses and noticed something glimmer in the purse I was switching too. It was my diamond! It was a God thing, because I usually never go back to old purses, but give them to charity.
    Hope you find your ring!

  7. Lots of wonderful treasures in that back room. It looks great to me now but I know once you and Bob work your magic, I will love it even more. Bummer about losing your ring...don't give up hope. My step-mother-in-law lost her (very large) diamond wedding ring and gave up looking for it. It showed up years (5 or 6??) in one of the horse paddocks. I know you don't want to wait that long to find it but if you lost it in the house, it hopefully will show up sooner rather than later. ~Robin~

  8. Have you found your ring? I hope you have. Don't give up. Thx for sharing your treasures.

  9. Everything looks so nice. Tomorrow I will bring out the Fall decor...

    Bummer about the ring. I hope you find it. I'm sure you will, it is just being stubborn.

  10. As always, magazine worthy, my friend! I LOVE yellowware - I'm green with envy!


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