Prims By the Water

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Smoking Area

Hello friends.
Hope everyone is enjoying the start of 
the Autumn season.
The leaves are starting to turn here.
The air is cool in the mornings.
The squirrels are even busier gathering up
their bounty for Winter.
The geese are heading back South,
along with the herons and egrets.
Well we must enjoy the warmth of the
midday sun while we can,
as Mother Nature continues her plan
with the changing of the seasons.

When last I wrote about my latest find
this tavern pipe holder,
I had envisioned this would go up in 
our back room once the new redo was done. 


Well plans changed for this piece.

Some of these pipes I had.
Did purchase the three in the bottom row.
Not sure if I told you the history of this.
It would have been near a fireplace in a tavern.
As gentlemen travelers stopped for the night,
they were able to take a pipe and use it.
First breaking off a piece of clay at the mouthpiece.
Once done smoking, they would replace 
the pipe back in the for the next person.
Once the pipes had no more stems.
The owner would add new longer pipes.

I discovered this coat rack
in the back room under some stuff.
The color was perfect with my desk.
Instead of trying to find a  hanging cabinet
Bob hung this over the desk.
Saves us money.
I hung my tobacco, candles and candle holder.

I just love how this looks now.
Guess it was meant to be here.
My intention was to hang it by our side door.
The more I thought about it,
was not sure I wanted to hang this 1700 piece.

Now our bedroom is complete.
A few changes now and then with each
season, but for the most part all will stay put.

Close up of candle items.

Hanging tobacco.

Changed the tin lantern for this more primitive one.

The taller pipes are replicas.
Again it is pretty hard to find original
ones intact and quite pricey.
Neither Bob or I smoke,
but I can just imagine someone sitting at this desk
whilst doing paperwork and having a smoke.
This will now be my smoking area.

A shot of the holes.
Love the patina on this piece.

In other news...
well it looks like Bob is finally moving
forward with the back room redo.
He moved out all of the Christmas bins finally.
Am not holding my breath, but I did tell him
I wanted this done by Christmas this year.

Am sewing most days on Christmas items.
Loving what I have created thus far.
My mom is also helping me out this year
by sewing up something.
She will be coming down next week for a few days,
and I will see her finished work...
which I know will be perfect 
as she is great at sewing.
Once she helped me with a sewing project 
I had in school. 
I could not get the hang of sewing being a lefty.
She did most of it for me and I finished it.
Thank goodness for her expertise.

Well off to work.

Almost The weekend Blessings To All!



  1. You're a lefty? Me, too. Maybe that's why I don't sew! Very interesting about the pipes. I never knew that history. It really looks terrific there -- well done on that lovely room.

  2. You always find the perfect spot to display your treasures.
    Thanks for the pipe history. Much if I can just remember that!

  3. I'm not a lefty but I sure can't sew! My Mom was excellent and my sister is too but I was in the wrong line when they handed out that gene! We were planning a trip to the East Coast next week but with the hurricane decided to cancel and are heading up to Michigan to Mackinaw instead. Maybe we could stop at your shop. Is it open during the week only only on weekends?

  4. Great grouping of treasures. I just love that pipe rack. Like I said, I've heard of them, but never saw one in person. Still haven't, but this is close(r) LOL. I've always love sewing...guess it came down from both gene pools. ~Robin~

  5. I've never heard about pipe holders and how they shared them. That's so interesting and I love that it's so old. Your display is great!

  6. good evening, I do love how you set this area up above your desk. I enjoyed the history about the pipes did not know that before.
    My Mom was an excellent seamstress but she was brought up when she made all of her own clothes and still did when I was growing up at home-Hoping you have time to take a little break from sewing this weekend
    Happy Friday and weekend

  7. Hello,
    Do you keep your dried tobacco year to year? Or do you need to get new each season?
    I love learning from you.. I had no idea about the pipes, thank you for sharing this history with us all.

  8. Nice arrangement. Thx for sharing.

  9. Always inspiring to see what you've done - I get the best ideas!


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