Prims By the Water

Monday, August 21, 2023

Antique Trail Finds

On our antique trail this year,
I did not find much for the antique store.
Just one item to resale,
however I pretty much scored
on the home front.

I am 98 percent sure this sampler is 
the real McCoy.
Two of my antique friends also concur.
If anyone thinks otherwise, please share.

I have been seeing antique rugs on tables lately
in displays on Pinterest and in antique stores.
When I saw this one,
 I knew it would fit my kitchen table.

Which is where it is now.
Will remove whenever I have company over.

This mustard piece is from the 1700's.
It is a clay pipe holder.
This would have been used in a tavern
near a fireplace.
Clay pipes would be stored inside for all to use.
Once a traveler was done smoking, 
the clay pipe would be broken off at the end,
and placed back inside for the next person.
I have my eyes on a used set of true 1700
small clay pipes that have been used.
Trying to find long ones is very hard and expensive.

Next I purchased these from an antique friend.
I know I could make these pumpkins myself,
but just opted to purchase from her as I loved
the color of these.

Can you believe I actually found this chair for $10?

Next up is an early red painted candle holder.
I love the  handle on this one.
The round part is metal which
 was grain painted to match the same red.

These beeswax candles were $1.00.
I could not pass them up.

I purchased the candles before
the candle holder,
however they fit perfectly.

Lately I have been seeing document boxes
on the You Tube primitive videos.
When I saw this one, I knew it had to come home.
It will stay on my fireplace mantel for now.
Already have a plan 
for my Autumn display on it.

Early Spanish Brown paint.
Even had a lock at one time.

Shhh...don't tell Bob I brought home another
yellowware bowl.
Again this was a steal for $10. 

Finally I purchased this tobacco.
I was told this was originally purchased in Connecticut,
however am sure the original owner must 
have purchased it in the South where
tobacco was and is grown.
I hung it here temporarily in front of my 
Child's dress hoop.
Will figure out soon where I intend to hang it.

In other news,
Bob and I decided to finally eat outside.
The weather was perfect Saturday night.
I made chicken nachos with mango salsa.
Made Tundra some cheese nachos.
Bob made the margaritas.
We watched the sun set and then went in 
when the mosquitoes were coming out.

The Autumn and Halloween goodies
have been selling good.
Don't want to jinx myself though,
so knocking on wood. LOL 

Please pray for those affected 
hurricane Hilary.
Never been in one and don't want to be.

Trail Find Blessings To All!


  1. Hurricanes are common here on the east coast and I've survived many. That said, there have been those some years which washed away beach houses and businesses on the Rehoboth Beach, DE boardwalk. One year it flooded my parent's beach house in Oak Orchard, DE the National Guard was checking everyone who came in afterward to only those who could prove ownership.
    Cool chair and I've one very similar with the same rough hewn legs but a different cane weave. Will take a photo and put it on my next blog post.
    Dining outside sounded devine until the uninvited guests arrived.

  2. really scored some beautiful finds!! Can't possibly pick a favorite but that pipe holder is definitely in the running LOL. Your haul is exactly why I could never ever have an antique store: Everything I found would have to go in the "keep" column LOL. ~Robin~

  3. Beautiful sampler and other great treasures you found !
    The Pipe box is interesting ....a friend bought a box with holes like that , but hers has a lid , we had no idea what it could have been used for . I will let her know !
    Your neat bunch of tobacco was probably grown in Connecticut , we have several tobacco farms around us in Western Massachusetts . I live a mile from the Connecticut border and my son worked on a farm for years. It is such a hard job & dirty ....he loved it being outside working all summer.

  4. You had some great finds! I love that sampler, and the candle holder and candles are also

  5. So many great finds. I think the tobacco plant is fascinating.

  6. I came very late to yellow ware and when I did the prices were crazy. they have come back down but I only purchase what I will use now. I mixed up blueberry muffins in mine this morning. Somehow the spirits of those who had it first makes the muffins or whatever else I use it for all the sweeter.
    you found some lovely pieces I put my hooked rugs on the table too.

  7. Your pipe holder is very interesting. I love the sampler, the bees wax candles and the candle holder. $1.00 for the candles was a steal. Bees wax candles are expensive around here. I'd love that antique rug on the floor, in a special sitting area.
    Thanks for sharing your antique treasures.
    Hugs, Julia

  8. So many goodies you found! Plus I always learn a bit history from your finds. I never heard of the clay pipe holder. I wonder what folks will find in a couple of hundred years with the things we leave behind...hand sanitizer dispensers? Old laptops? A 65in TV? Just wondering! I'm glad you were able to eat outside. I thought about having a fire in the pit but just ran out of time!

  9. Candles (especially beeswax) and candle holders are among my favorite acquisitions. Rug on table is a good idea, as rug on the floor might be dangerous for people of a certain age.

  10. I love all your finds and happy they are staying with you!

  11. What a great antiquing trip! I love the sampler and you can never have too many yellowware bowls! What a great buy on the beeswax candles...they're so expensive here. Love it all!

  12. I adore ALL of your purchases. I'm with you on the 'buy' when I know I can make. I enjoyed my visits to the Detroit museum. I've gone a couple of times. They have exceptional pieces and well worth the drive!!! I want to visit Cincinnati's Picasso exhibit, too.

  13. All are fabulous finds. That sampler does appear to be original. that yellowware bowl caught my eye also. You really got some wonderful items for sure.


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