Prims By the Water

Monday, June 26, 2023

Our Baby Turns 3

Today our baby turns 3.


Tundra was an adorable puppy.
Cathy do you still have these pillows?
We still have ours.

A Samoyed.
Samoyeds were bred in Russia to herd reindeer.
He is very fast now and loves the snow.
I crocheted this baby quilt for my son who us now 39.
I did it in these colors as I did not know what 
I was having at the time.
It was Tundra's security blanket for a few months.

What a furball he was.

This was him after a month at is new home.

Once he could get under the couches.

He could also get underneath some 
of the furniture at the store.
Not now.

With his grampa Ed as we call him.
Our doggie sitter.

Coal black eyes and nose to match.

Spoiled doggie now.
Daddy Bob started allowing him up
on the couches and bed.

Now he thinks he owns them. LOL

Happy Birthday Tundra!
We love you to pieces.

In other news,
Mary, from Merry Windy Farm asked me
if we ship goodies from our stores.
Yes, we ship from both and have many times.
Our links are both Facebook pages.
Back Porch Antiques
Blue Water Gift Shop
Both in Marine City, Michigan.
Bob posts booth pics every now and then,
and I post gift shop pics whenever
 I have something new come in.
We are travelling to Seville, OH this Friday
for just a day trip.
Our doggie sitter can only watch
 Tundra for the day this time,
so it will be a quick jaunt down and back
to do some antiquing along the way.
Lauren am afraid we wont have time to meet up.

I am on vacation now until July 5th.
We were hoping to get our garage cleaned out,
but the forecast is calling for rain until Thursday.
We need at least 2-3 days to leave items outside
to not happening now.
Will work on Halloween goodies now.

Last week Bob went to our local dollar store.
They now put in a self check out.
We dont like self check out lines.
We feel that if we have to do this ourselves that 
that we should get a better discount,
after all we do not work for these stores that do this.
Well yesterday that same dollar store now
put a big ole sign on the door stating
that Cash only for register one,
and cash/ card for the self check out.
Most folks dont carry cash anymore,
so they are forcing this self check out on us now.
Bob had cash and told the manager that 
he does not work for the company.
We know the manager of the store and he agreed,
but corporate was forcing him to do it now because
no one was using the self check out.
Do you like self check outs?
What say you?

Birthday Blessings To All!


  1. I'm of mixed feeling on them. I don't like that it cuts down on the number of checkers employed, but it seems that at stores that offer it, the people that pull orders for delivery or pickup are picking up that slack. I use self-checkout only if I have a small amount of items, not if I want to use my own insulated bags, have groceries that need weighed, have coupons, or want to use cash.
    Our local dollar stores have only 2 registers. So far no self-checkout lane is set up. I can't say how many times I've had to wait for the employee to come to the register from stocking shelves. Quite often there is only 1 or 2 people working. Not a problem to me, but I bet they get tired of running back and forth, especially if they are dinged on performance if either task isn't completed on time.

  2. Sometimes the waiting line is longer for the self check out so I go to regular check out. Depends which is shorter but hate when for some reason a person needs to come over, put in their log in to change or correct something.

  3. I will occasionally use a self checkout (mainly at Meijer's), but I am a "cash" person and the Aldi's self checkout is card only.
    Oh, you MUST stop at Wm. Hromy Antiques. It is about 20 minutes from Seville. A small shop that is loaded with lots of primitive goodies. True antiques. BUT...he is normally open just Saturday and Sunday but if he is home will open for you. Let me know if you can't find his number. I find most of his prices very reasonable. I just mentioned the shop in my blog post.

  4. Congratulations to Tundra. He's adorable in all the pictures! The blanket is very beautiful!
    Enjoy your trip to Seville, Janice!
    Self check-out seems to be the trend at every supermarket nowadays.

  5. Happy Birthday to Sweet Tundra !!!
    I use self checkouts when lines are long ....

  6. Happy Birthday Tundra. You were so cute but now you're handsome.

    I visited your gift shop and the antique store through the photos online and I almost feel that I was there. It looks so nice and inviting and so much nice stuff. If I was the owner of those shops, it would really break my heart to sell them.

    I prefer using the regular check-out as long as I'm not in a hurry but I also use the self-checkouts. I shop at our Co-op and I love talking to the cashiers and most of them have been working there for many years and are very friendly. There are always some new faces.

    Take care. Hugs

  7. Happy Birthday Wishes Tundra! Hope you were spoiled with lots of extra treats and pets. I remember when he came into your world - such an adorable puppy and now such a beautiful dog. I rarely use self checkouts. I am a hermit so when I finally go into town, it is usually for a great deal of items and every time I have tried self-checkout, something isn't in the system or doesn't register and a clerk has to come. It takes longer than if I went through the check out so I gave up. Have fun on your jaunt! ~Robin~

  8. Tundra was an adorable puppy. How could you not fall in love with him. I use self-check out when I have only a few items. Enjoy that day trip!

  9. Happy Birthday Tundra, what a sweetheart. I love all the photos.
    No I do not like self check out, I feel it takes longer!! And I enjoyed taking to our cashiers.
    But as you said... "they" are forcing us into it.

  10. Tundra is adorable...what fun she must be! And it sounds like your trip south will be a quick one, hoping you'll be back some time soon - have a great time shopping.


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