Prims By the Water

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Americana Goodies

 Hello friends!
Can you believe June is almost over?
Carla from
The River Flowing Blog
asked me to show off some of my Americana goodies.
Well Carla,
here they are mixed in with some other
goods for sale at our store.

We do ship for those who have asked.
 Uncle Sam has already been sold 
the first day I put this display up last Sunday.

In other news,
Bob lost his keys this afternoon.
He called me saying he looked everywhere
at both stores and in his van.
With his short term memory I figured they 
were gone for good.
We would need to change all of the locks on the stores,
 house and find a locksmith to get a new key
for his van because we only have one key for it.
I went to the antique store and looked everywhere.
I then went outside and asked St Anthony
for help.
I went to his van and found them in his ignition.
I then thanked St Anthony and went into
the store and placed the keys on the counter
and said to Bob
"Do these look familiar?"
His response was
"Where did you find them?"
I told him and he said he looked in his van 
several times  for them.
I am just glad they were found.

Leaving in the morning when Tundra's
grandpa Ed comes.
Hopefully I will find what I am on the hunt for
whilst antiquing.
Plus hopefully it will fit in my car.

Americana Goodies Blessings To All!

Monday, June 26, 2023

Our Baby Turns 3

Today our baby turns 3.


Tundra was an adorable puppy.
Cathy do you still have these pillows?
We still have ours.

A Samoyed.
Samoyeds were bred in Russia to herd reindeer.
He is very fast now and loves the snow.
I crocheted this baby quilt for my son who us now 39.
I did it in these colors as I did not know what 
I was having at the time.
It was Tundra's security blanket for a few months.

What a furball he was.

This was him after a month at is new home.

Once he could get under the couches.

He could also get underneath some 
of the furniture at the store.
Not now.

With his grampa Ed as we call him.
Our doggie sitter.

Coal black eyes and nose to match.

Spoiled doggie now.
Daddy Bob started allowing him up
on the couches and bed.

Now he thinks he owns them. LOL

Happy Birthday Tundra!
We love you to pieces.

In other news,
Mary, from Merry Windy Farm asked me
if we ship goodies from our stores.
Yes, we ship from both and have many times.
Our links are both Facebook pages.
Back Porch Antiques
Blue Water Gift Shop
Both in Marine City, Michigan.
Bob posts booth pics every now and then,
and I post gift shop pics whenever
 I have something new come in.
We are travelling to Seville, OH this Friday
for just a day trip.
Our doggie sitter can only watch
 Tundra for the day this time,
so it will be a quick jaunt down and back
to do some antiquing along the way.
Lauren am afraid we wont have time to meet up.

I am on vacation now until July 5th.
We were hoping to get our garage cleaned out,
but the forecast is calling for rain until Thursday.
We need at least 2-3 days to leave items outside
to not happening now.
Will work on Halloween goodies now.

Last week Bob went to our local dollar store.
They now put in a self check out.
We dont like self check out lines.
We feel that if we have to do this ourselves that 
that we should get a better discount,
after all we do not work for these stores that do this.
Well yesterday that same dollar store now
put a big ole sign on the door stating
that Cash only for register one,
and cash/ card for the self check out.
Most folks dont carry cash anymore,
so they are forcing this self check out on us now.
Bob had cash and told the manager that 
he does not work for the company.
We know the manager of the store and he agreed,
but corporate was forcing him to do it now because
no one was using the self check out.
Do you like self check outs?
What say you?

Birthday Blessings To All!

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Strawberry Season

Many of my blogging friends have been
posting about strawberries.
One of my favorite spring fruits.
I am not going to tease you with real berry pics,
just some which were created using
different mediums.

First off these crocheted ones I made.
In white.

Almost ripe in pink.

Red ripe ones.

Don't they look cute?

I will be selling these soon at the gift shop.
Packaged in three.

Next up my fabric strawberries in a berry bucket.

These are my personal ones.
I sold these a few years ago at the store.

Finally I recently purchased these coverlet ones.

Each one was a different size.
I so love these in my wood bowl for Spring.

Our strawberries sign went to the antique store.
I have had this for over 10 years.
Never figured out where to hang it in the house.
It is a 2 sided sign.
I decided to let it go and let someone else enjoy it.
It is an old one.

These fabric strawberries were from a giveaway.
I don't remember who made these,
so if you are still blogging, please let me know.
So many blogging friends have stopped blogging.

The back side of the strawberry jam.

Well folks,
these are my strawberries.

In other news,
I am beyond livid with the View.
They slammed their tone deaf comments
regarding the sub that went missing.
I wonder if their view would have been different
if they had a family member or friend on board.
How can anyone still watch this show? 

This Biden economy simply sucks too.
More folks are losing their homes, cars
because they cannot afford the prices.
We are suffering too.
Our gift shop sales are down now 85%.
I cannot blame anyone but this administration.
We are not a need to have store,
and folks cannot spend much money anymore.
It really sucks because lately we are just paying
our bills and worker with no profit.
I am no longer ordering much.
Already paid for Halloween and Christmas,
but id things dont get better, we will 
go out of business the first of the year.
Am hoping and praying we sell soon...
but given the economy I dont think anyone
will want to buy a small business right now.
More and more stores are going 
out of business in town.

Well enough of  my rant.
Have to get my butt back to my desk to work.

Strawberry Blessings To All!

Sunday, June 18, 2023

A Happy Life

My dad always said~
 Life is what you make it.
I dont splurge on many things,
except for primitive antiques. LOL
However when I do,
 I make sure I save up my money.
I am not one to wear jewelry.
I purchase only the clothes I need.
When I first saw this Cross Stitch pattern,
I knew it was meant for me.

I wanted this piece to look more primitive,
so I chose to stitch this on Onasburg.
*** Note to self ***
The holes on Onasburg are not like linen.
It took me forever to complete this it seems...
There are mistakes, but only I know where they are.
Again since this is my primitive piece,
it did not need to be perfect.
Thank goodness.

This pattern came from Notforgotten Farm.

This saying is so much how I feel.

I had initialing intended on stitching this
on 14 ct Aida cloth.
Changed my mind though as you will see.
I did use most of the embroidery floss 
colors in the pattern,
except I switched out the white one for another brown.
I figured why bother using the white 
if I was going to stain this piece.

This was aged using tea and in the oven
it went three times, adding a bit more tea
in certain places each time.

Framed under glass in this black frame.
Am pleased how it turned out.

It will reside in our guest room once we
redo it...which will be soon.
More items will be moving out,
and if they do not fit back it,
off to the store they will go.

Speaking of the store,
we did have a showing.
They were interested in the antique store
and also purchasing our name.
They were also interested in
our gift shop as well. 
Our realtor told us that the one gentleman
had to go out of the country for business now,
and will not decide until he gets back.
Not sure what will happen now.
Let the waiting game begin.

Last night I met Bob at his cousins house
after closing the store.
He lives a stones throw from us.
(1/8 mile)
Enjoyed some delicious ribs!
Plus a few beers before heading home
almost 3 hours later.
The weather was perfect outside.

Yesterday in between customers,
I stitched a new Halloween goodie.
Also working on the planning stage
for my Mad Scientist themed room.
Hopefully it will turn out as well as planned.

Happy Father's Day to all of the dad's out there.
My dad is no longer with us,
but I will think about him today.

A Happy Life Blessings To All!

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

June CupboardScape

Today is Flag Day.
It disturbs me when I hear Patriotism
has gone by the wayside.
We should all honor our flag and what it represents.
Freedom should NEVER be taken for granted.
Growing up my dad flew his flag every day
except when it rained or snowed.
He put it up in morning & took it down
by sunset.

Today in honor of Flag Day,
today's CupboardScape is all about flags.
Starting with my favorite flag pictutre.

George and Martha Washington
are on the right in this picture along
with our flag.
Wonder how many of the younger
generation even know who our
first president was?

Another flag.
This pillow I created 
from fabric and muslin
then stained. 

Finally our grand old flag in all her glory.
Actually this is a 48 star vintage fabric one.

Long may it wave!

In other news,
our friend up the river actually had a boat
of illegals come across from Canada.
The boat stopped at his dock.
When his security cameras went off,
he went outside immediately and asked the
boat operator what he was doing.
Three men and two kids got out with suitcases
and of course could not speak English.
Our friend called Border Patrol asap
and was told they were too busy to come out.
Then a truck pulled into his yard.
He then called the state police on speaker.
Once the individuals heard the police they ran
to the truck and left their suitcases.
The truck was long when the police arrived,
but at least he was able to provide them with
both the boat license and the truck one.
The next day he drove to the Border Patrol
office and spoke to a manager.
The manager told him he was not even aware
of this situation and would review the taped call.
Not that it will change anything,
but for those who live here along the river
we would think Border Patrol would come out 
since we are not like the Southern border.

We will not know about Bob's sleep study
for a bit. This is is second one. It took them
2 months to have him come back in for this one.
We do know he has sleep apnea.
Guess this test will determine what machine
will be needed.
Thanks for your concern.
Much appreciated.

Patriotic Flag Blessings To All!

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Its Dandy Time

Well folks,
it is 4:15 Saturday morning.
In about a half hour Tundra and I will
go to the hospital to pick Bob up
from his sleep apnea test.
Hopefully he will be fitted with the correct
machine so he can sleep better at night.
He has been so run down in the afternoons.

So let's get to today's post.
I do not mind having dandelions in my yard.
In fact it is the first flower (weed) that provides bees
both pollen and nectar.
Since bees are important to me,
so the dandys are important to me as well.

As a kid I loved blowing on the puffy seeds.

Before I show off my dandys again this year,
This wood piece is called a hornbeam.
Hornbeams were hollowed out vessels made from trees.
These were used as storage.
Mine is not very big,
But I have seen some very large ones.
These larger ones are really old because it is very 
hard to find large diameter trees any longer.

Underneath my hornbeam is this rug chair pad.
I love the muted colors and the star design.

A blue white quilt resides on my bench for Spring.

The dandy display is on my wood riser.

Dandys are a perfect Spring display.
So remember if you can, please leave them
in your yard. 
Our bees need all the help they can get.

I caught a few dandy's in my back yard.

Also as a kid,  I would pick the flowers
and proudly give them as a bouquet
 to both my gramma's and mom.
My hands would turn yellow too.

While some see a weed,
others see a flower.
Take for example Queen-Anne's-Lace.
We call it wild carrot and a weed.

The bumblebees have been prevalent
in our backyard now.
So much so that Tundra
 grabbed one in his mouth,
and quickly let it go. 
Did he learn hid lesson?
No, he still tries to get more.

For those not familiar with Dandelions,
the above pic shows the flower before going to seed
which is when it becomes puffy.

In other news,
Robin wants to trade me some 
Eastern Fox snakes and Massasauga rattlers
for my Ribbon snake. 
Well we also have these Fox snakes that like to
 hang out in our garage.
Yes they are humungous.
They are protected here in Michigan.
So Robin, thanks but no thanks.
Never have seen a rattler here except for the zoo,
and I would like to keep it that way.

The other day I did have a chipmunk chirp at me.
I was outside and heard this chirping sound
on the ground near our garage.
Turned my head to find this chipmunk looking
at me chirping about 4 ft away.
He chirped for about 5 minutes before
scurrying into the woods.
Never heard this before so not sure if he/ she
thought I was the predator, or there was another
one nearby....namely a fox snake.

Our local radio weather forecast 
for the past few days has been
mostly sunny with periods of smoke.
We have had hazy skies because of the
Canadian wildfires, but not as bad as
New York and Pennsylvania.

Well hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
What will your plans be?
Later today I will be going to our yearly
community meeting.
Sunday working the gift shop.

Dandy Blessings To All!