Prims By the Water

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

A Homey Spring

Long picture post.
I wont bore you with a lot of talk here.
Grab a drink, sit back and enjoy my spring pics 
of our living room.
You will notice where I moved the sampler.
Also you will see some of my handmades tucked in.

Hope you enjoyed my Spring at home pics.
I did forget to include my mantel.
Plus I did one more display for my mom
in our spare room.
Another post will show those.

In other news, Easter dinner was a hit.
It was nice having most of my family here.
My daughter might have covid.
Will know in a day or two as her doctor
ordered a test. Now she said my grandson
is getting the same symptoms. Ugh

Started working on some Americana goodies
for the store. Also am putting the rest Easter away
and adding in more Summer goodies.

Looks like we will be painting our bedroom soon.
Right now it is colonial blue and white.
I talked Bob into repainting it. 
Have a plan on moving things around too.

Well gotta go to work.

Homey Spring Blessings To All!


  1. Oh MY! Love all of it! What a collection of prims! You make it all look so homey! Glad you had a nice Easter. I hope they recover soon. Blessings

  2. A bounty of bunnies and enjoyed looking at every one of them. You Dancing Bunny rug is perfectly displayed. Hope daughter and grandson get well soon.

  3. Oh my goodness such beauty. You must have worked for hours upon hours.
    Hope they get well soon!

  4. Oh I just love it. Home Sweet Home is what I feel looking at all the photos.
    Sending prayers for your family, may they get well soon!! Keep us posted.

  5. Pretty displays & cute Bunnies !!! Hope you & your Hubby stay healthy !!!

  6. You always have such lovely things. I hope it is not covid for either of them.
    I have put Easter away and we are un the planning stages for a bathroom remodeling

  7. Love all your pictures, and the reflection from the punched tin lampshade is just too cool.
    Hope your daughter and grandson feel better soon.

  8. You put your magic touch in your display. I love the bunnies and the grass in the old chocolate box. It really transport us to another era.
    I'm glad your Easter dinner was a hit. My Easter dinner fell by the wayside as I was sick in bed feeling so fatigued. I'm just feeling better today. I hope that your daughter and grandson don't have Covid and will recover shortly.
    Happy Belated Easter.
    Hugs, Julia

  9. I love all the pics of your beautiful home! The bunnies everywhere are adorable..especially that purple "peep" looking bunny! I'm glad your day was good . Jack and I were over the Covid just in time to spend Easter with family. I went 3 yrs without getting it but hopefully that's the last time for us!

  10. I love your spring pictures. I enlarged all of them, grabbed a beverage and enjoyed the show. Your rabbits always seem to steal the show.

  11. Your spring decorating looks beautiful...I love the cloches! So glad you all got together for good food & fun (and hoping the COVID tests are negative - ugh)

  12. I never get bored looking at your pictures. The bunnies are so cute! Wishing you good news from your daughter and grandson!

  13. I'm sorry your daughter is sick but glad you were able to spend Easter with family. Your home is beautiful!

  14. Geez, Covid can go away any time now. Hope your family all end up okay! I really liked your touches of purple, especially the the little bunny - reminded me of Peeps. Ha! Have a super rest of the week and thank you for sharing your lovely spring decor. Jane

  15. Love all the bunnies Janice - for some reason I find them irresistible - well, except for the ones in my garden. And the cloche displays are wonderful! I love the grouping of them too. So much fun in one post.... ~Robin~


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