Prims By the Water

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

More Love To Go Around

Hello friends!
Not sure if Spring is around the corner,
or Winter is coming back?
These up and down temps,
sun, rain, freezing rain and snow
have given both Bob and I a cold.

As February 2023 comes to a close soon,
my final Valentine pics are from the store.

These pink flowers were such a hit last year.
I was able to purchase more this season...
which usually I am unable to do.
The one wholesaler offered them again,
which normally they do not do.
I also bought more white ones too.

I loved these teddies with love balloons.

I kept up the Christmas tree and added
ice cream cones and my pink hearts for sale.
Bob's wood love sign sold.

The packaged hearts were a hit.

Also sold another Hare of Hearts.
These signs are all sold out as well.

Well we found out another store will be closing
in our quaint river town.
This time the doggie store. 
Plus the toy store that had just opened,
recently shut its doors too.
I know I have said this time and time again.
Please support your local home town stores.
Owning 2 businesses, Bob and I are not
able to visit the other stores in town,
however I do talk to my customers.
I tell them all we have 
great shops and restaurants in town. 
We do however eat at our restaurants
and show support that way.
Enough of my soapbox again....

In other news, at the grocery store the other day,
I had two baggers. One was complaining to the other
that working for this store was the worst.
I looked at the young man and said,
"the grass is not always greener on the other side,
and every job sucks at some point in time."
"Trust me, I know".
The one complaining stopped talking,
but he did thank me when finished
 packing up my groceries. 
I also thanked him back.

Monday was a bank holiday,
so I was excited to work on a July 4th doll.
Well that did not happen.
For the life of me I could not find my onasburg fabric.
Ended up working on my version 
of a vintage reindeer ornament I drew out.

Created from a spring green and cream wool
I recently purchased for this project.
The mistletoe is also green wool.
At least I remembered where my wool was
for this project. Thank God.
I chose a variegated Christmas embroidery floss
for the hanger.
Crocheted a simple chain using a Christmas color
Sugar & Cream yarn for his scarf.
He sports a pink pom pom nose.
He will be part of my vintage
handmade vintage Christmas tree this year
for the gift shop.
What do you think?

Well our house is once again stocked with wood
in preparation for the impeding storm today.
Hopefully we won't lose power.
I also hope all my friends in the path of this storm
stay safe.

More Love Blessings To All!



  1. Yeah, am hearing on the news of the pending snow storm for several areas. Glad it won't happen here, or at least not yet. But we had had snow in March.

  2. I like what you shared with the bagger, good advice indeed.
    I also like the color and idea of your deer. Very sweet.

  3. I hope that you'll be safe and well during this latest snow storm. Spring is on it's way soon. Only 26 days left till spring.

    So sad about the two stores closing their doors and the toy store especially after such a short time in business. I hope it won't happen to you. Keep on creating. You bring joy to a lot of people who depend on your for gifts. Sweet little reindeer.


  4. Love your reindeer and I am always sad to hear of a store closing. It is a huge loss to a community and people do not realize it until their kids need a donation for a fund raiser or something like that.
    WE are in for up to 12 inches so we are tucked in and waiting

  5. I love that your tree is still up and with ice cream cones...that's just so fun! I think your vintage 2023 holiday is going to be terrific! I do think we need a little look back to vintage items and yes, simpler times. I know, simpler isn't always easier, but there's just something missing in this frenetic world. And I hate to see shops close...our small town has seen so many come & go, it's so sad. Wising you'll be warm, safe, and the power stays on for the snow coming your way. So about that snow...have you ever made snow ice cream?! Take care of yourselves, Mary

  6. Thankfully it was mid 30's in Ohio, so we just got rain. Lots and lots of rain...but you don't need to shovel rain.
    Most young (and not so young people) have no work ethic. When I hear what high schoolers are earning at fast food places, I am just gobsmacked. What will they expect to earn when they are out of school?

  7. Well I love your store and sure pray it is doing well. It is so sad when a store closes. Good advice to the bagger.

  8. That storm is passing us by I think. It will be warm today but cold comes in tomorrow. I hope you stay warm and safe and it passes quickly. I feel bad when stores close. Our little town has some cute shops that so far have managed to stay open. One clothing store is a real hit here and my family loves to shop there when they come in. I try to support these small businesses and the town will soon be opening a previously run movie theater that has been renovated to look like it did back in the 40's. I'm excited to see how that goes! Have a good weekend and also I love that reindeer! I know that will be a hit! Your shop is so darn cute and I hope many folks continue to shop there!

  9. So cute! I think it will be a good seller. Yes, every job sucks at some point...good advice! Hopefully didn't fall on deaf ears...

  10. Awww...that reindeer is so sweet - and you absolutely nailed the vintage vibe with him (her?) We got a real dump of snow overnight and all day today. Somewhere around 15" ... I put on my Wellies, which come up to my knees, and the snow was above that. Yikes. And I don't want to even start on the work ethic these days. Grrrr. ~Robin~

  11. The Valentine decor is adorable. The reindeer is so sweet can't wait to see it at Christmas. Sorry to hear you and Bob have colds,that's all you need. I was hoping to come in to the store this past weekend but I didn't get out. I hope everything was good for you during ice storm. I want to get in soon to see spring/Easter. It feels sad when businesses close. It takes a lot of work and creativity during these times. Take care feel better hope the family is well. I hope your mom is doing well and father in law is much improved.

  12. Your reindeer is the cutest thing ever. I hope you didn't lose power. We were on the north end of it and got some ice but not so much as to threaten the electricity. I'm very big on supporting local shops -- partly because as one who sells her wares, I appreciate when people buy my cards instead of something at Meijer. But it's hard work and businesses like yours deserve support.

  13. Love your sweet reindeer and color combo is right up my alley! It's so sad to see little shops closing. I fear they will never be replaced.


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