Prims By the Water

Monday, January 9, 2023

Into The Night

 Hello everyone
and Happy New Year!

A lot has happened since I last posted.

My SIL needs a kidney transplant.

My FIL was in the hospital with covid.
Because of his COPD, he could not breath.
He refused to go to the hospital,
and when he did decide we were 45 minutes away,
so Bob called 911.
He was mad, but now got over it.
He thinks because he has an oxygen machine now
that his COPD is in remission.
We keep telling him it is because he has not smoked
since going to the hospital.
Bob warned him if he starts smoking again,
he will end up back in the hospital.
Just praying he does not as he smoked 2 packs a day. 

Knock on wood at least Bob is doing better.
We see his neurologist tomorrow.

It snowed on Christmas Day,
but has now disappeared.
Fog and rain were with us for a bit.
Now it is just cold with no snow.

I made a few things for Valentine's at the store.
Switched out the Christmas now with Valentine's,
some Spring with Winter themed items in our back room.
Working on Easter goodies now.

Today I wanted to show you pics of my Christmas
at home at night.

Although quite blurry..
this was Tundra one night.
Somehow he got a pillow over his head
and was sleeping.
Of course when I go to take this pic,
he raises his head.

Into the Night Blessings To All!


  1. I am so sorry about the sickness in your family. I have a brother in law that smokes at least 2 pks a day and has COPD his color is awful I just wish he would quit. Your Christmas decorations are lovel.

    1. Yes I wish everyone would quit smoking. So glad Bob and I dont and we also save money. Hope your BIL will be better. Not sure with COPD though. Janice

  2. The lights add a magical dimension to your Christmas decor.
    I'm sorry about all the sickness. Smoking is so addictive and is really difficult to quit unless a person really put their own will to it. I hope that no one else get sick this season.

    You are always so busy with the changing of merchandise in your store. You must really love to decorate to go through that all the time, at home and at the store. You are amazing.

    1. Yes smoking is addictive and so glad I did not do it. When I got my first paycheck I thought I was cool and bought a pack. Took one puff, coughed so bad I threw the pack away and NEVER tried again. Thank god. I got the decorating bug from my mom as she use to decorate for every holiday Got the art gene from my dad. Guess I missed my calling and should have been a interior decorator. Oh well. Janice

  3. I love all the little white lights. Mine will all be put away today except for the "normal" ones that I have on 24/7. It will seem so gloomy until it is once again the norm.
    Prayers for your SIL and good luck with your FIL. I know how hard it can be to reason with an elderly person, though I now qualify as!!!
    Happy to hear Bob is doing better and hoping he gets great news from the neurologist.

    1. That's why I keep my lights up to get me through the dreary Winter nights. LOL Janice

  4. Lots of luck with your FIL, am sure he will go back to smoking. My mother refused to quit and at the age of 83 she smoked until about 2 weeks before she died. Glad Bob is doing better and hoping your SIL gets a kidney soon.

    1. He already is back to smoking. UGH. Oh well. His life. Janice

  5. Your decorations were pretty.
    My SIL who smokes just got out of the hospital yesterday and now needs oxygen and has COPD.
    Prayers for your family.

    1. Well my FIL started smoking again. He will be back in the hospital probably again. Janice

  6. Happy New Year!!! Hope all will go well with your family. I am happy to hear Bob is doing well.
    I enjoyed seeing your home all light up. :-)

    1. Thanks Carla! Bo is doing better each day. Thank you! Janice

  7. I'm sorry the year has started off with so many health's so stressful when that happens. Sending good wishes to all. And the lights...I just love the twinkle, it's so soft and restful for me. I hate taking down the tree and seeing them gone. You'rs are so pretty...maybe mine will stay up a little bit longer!

    1. Yes and I thought 2023 would be a better year. I have artificial trees, so that is why I am able to keep them up. Helps with the cold dreary nights. Janice

  8. Oh my goodness, that was a lot. I will be praying for you and your family. I love your Christmas lights at night. I miss having them up already. I like sitting by the light of a tree!

    1. Thank you Jacky. Unfortunately my FIL went back to smoking so kind of hard to feel sorry for him now. Janice

  9. Your home is so warm and inviting with all the lights and touches of Christmas. I would like to take a big old quilt and curl up next to Tundra on your couch and soak them in. I had very few decorations out this year and no tree...but I had out a couple little trees that have lights on them (by my sink, in my laundry room, etc.) and am having a difficult time packing them away. It should be easy this year given that the holiday was marred with sadness, but the lights give such comfort. So, they're still up. I'm sorry to hear about your SIL and're not having an easy time of things either. Sending love, prayers, and healing thoughts for your family your way. ~Robin~

    1. We actually do have both an old quilt and old wool blanket on our couch and we do curl up with them. I sure hope 2023 gets better for you. You have been through so much last year too. Continued prayers and thoughts for you as well. Janice

  10. Oh what a magical place you created with your wonderful prims and lights. This almost makes me wish it was Christmas again. Notice I said almost. I enlarged every picture and enjoyed this so much. I hope all goes well with your family.

    1. LOL on your almost wish it was Christmas again! I keep the lights to get me through the long Winter nights. Janice

  11. Oh how I wish people would realize how awful smoking is. I'm sorry your SIL has to have a kidney transplant. My sister does too and has been on dialysis for 2yrs. All because she smoked which caused health problems. She's been smoke free for a long time now but the damage was already done. Prayers for your FIL and SIL! Your home looked all sparkly and cozy! I miss the lights the most with taking down all the Christmas. Your weather is like ours but it was nice to see sun today!

    1. Yes smoking is horrible. My SIL just started dialysis...but not because she smokes. She has had health issues since being a teen. She even has a bad heart. Flurries all day today and foggy. Janice

  12. Good to have you back, Janice. Sorry about your SIL, and FIL!
    Lovely lights and Christmas decorations in your home!

  13. Thank you Duta! I sure hope your housing situation goes well. I keep you in my thoughts daily with this. Janice

  14. Janice. Wow, you have had some hard times. Hope things are getting better. Your home looks very pretty with all the twinkling lights and candles. I just love when the house is all shining. Seems to help with this lousy weather a little bit..Happy New Year..xxoJudy

  15. Thanks Judy. I keep my living room lights up through January to keep our home cozy during the Winter nights. Janice

  16. I just love your nightime glow of Christmas lights. It's beautiful and magical. I will pray for your SIL and FIL, and you and your hubby too, I know it can be taxing on family when their loved ones are not doing so good. HUGS.

    1. Thank you Jessica! It has been taxing for sure. Hope you have a great weekend! Janice

  17. So sorry to hear that new year started out with a thud. Prayers for your fil and sil and continued prayers Bob stays well. Your photos are wonderful so warm and inviting. Can't wait to see your shop changes,every season brings something wonderful. Take care of yourselves

    1. Thanks Sandy! I have a the front set up with a bit of Spring and Easter already. Janice

  18. I love how your home is so beautiful during Christmas nights with those wonderful lights. I wish the rest of your news in this post was as lovely. Sending good wishes to all your people.

    1. Thanks Jeanie! The lights up keeps things from eing dreary. Janice


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