Prims By the Water

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Embracing Winter

 Hello friends!
For those who live in the snow belt,
you will know that we have to endure 
at least 3 months of a snowy cold winter.
For my friends in Wisconsin this may be longer.

This is the time where I like to transition
from Christmas to Winter.
I do this yearly to keep me sane 
during the long Winter months.
These are my Winter pics for this year. 

This display is very personal.
Those whom have followed me for a long time
know that my dad made this snowman/
The mitten my aunt made.

My mom made this pillow.

The other mitten my aunt made.

This display also includes an antique sled,
antique skater's lamp and skates along with
some antique jingle bells.

Ways to enjoy the snowy Winter months.

I kept my tree up  minus the Santa's and stockings.
Added in my snowman made from a Beemis bag.

Traded out my chalkware Santa for the oil lamp & teddy.

Took down two sides of my fence to make this display.

Again kept the tree minus the cotton spun fruit.

One last display by the front door.

With a sugar firkin bucket and a snowman I created.
To the right is a punched tin lantern.

The following are nighttime views. 

Makes me happy that I can still enjoy
my white twinkling lights.

Do you decorate for Winter?

Today I spent the entire day at the gift shop
adding in Spring goodies.
Am tired, so going to relax now.

Embracing Winter Blessings To All!


  1. It all looks so nice and those lights make it so cozy. Yes I do decorate for winter.

  2. Your winter decor looks amazing. What a lovely way to display all those heirloom pieces. I love those little lights, they sure brighten up the room especially during the long winter months.
    Sorry to say but I don't decorate for the winter months. The only decor is what Nature provide outside. lol...
    I hope you don't get too much snow.

    Take care, stay well and warm.

  3. I tend to move my rugs around but not so much for winter ~ tho I do have some snow/winter pieces which are in the rotation. Agree those little lights makes it look festive. Hope Bob is doing well.

  4. I am always impressed how your change things out so often. I am lucky if I pull a dust cloth over things

  5. I don't decorate for winter, but all of your vignettes are lovely.

  6. Honestly I do not decorate for winter. I have to say I love the little snowman and the lights. It must make you happy to decorate.

  7. I have Snowmen displayed on my mantel & thru the house . I have a tall funky feather tree with little white lights on & it has hearts hanging on the branches that my Mother made for our first Cmas when I got married. Love your very special family treasures !

  8. I do and will be a part of my post tomorrow. Yes, I'm in WI and all schools are closed or virtual learning today. We had a rather large snow fall overnight with ice under and wintery mix on the way. Winter IS long here too. I love your decorations as always! You inspire me to decorate.

  9. I enjoy your winter decor.
    I do have snowmen up and I leave my nutcracker collection up because just seeing my nutcrackers in December is not enough for me. ;-)
    We were up to 48 inches of snow and got another 6 today. Your snowy friend from Wisconsin.
    xx oo

  10. I put out my snowmen this time of year and I was just thinking the other day that I could use some more of them. Maybe next year I'll find some because now it's all about Valentine's Day around the stores. Your displays are warm and cozy looking. I just remembered I have some antique snow shoes that I should put up! Thanks for the ideas! The snow has passed us by for now. We even had 64de and sun yesterday. So weird for North Ohio! I love your twinkly lights and I too have lights on my kitchen fireplace them! Have a good weekend!

  11. Your displays are beautiful! I love your family made treasures, so so special. The lights are so pretty too. I don't have any winter things up. I'm not sure where they are at the moment, in a box somewhere. I have a couple Valentine things I just bought from a prim maker on display. So I guess I'm jumping right to Vday lol.


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