Prims By the Water

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Sweet Christmas Dreams


Tundra would like to welcome you all for a visit
to our Christmas bedroom this year.
Well actually he was telling me this.
"Hey mom I was trying to sleep here and you woke me up".

My antique feather tree has seen better days,
but I still love it.
I sold these grass bundles this year for Fall at the store.
Since I had a few left, I decided to add this
red ribbon to them here and at the store.
They look festive now.

All of the stockings I made.
The two on the end are from antique coverlet pieces.
The middle one was from wool.

This display is on the drysink.

I crocheted the garland many years ago now.
I put it up every year somewhere in the house.

The side table display.

Which is next to the chair this Christmas.

Bob moved the drysink from our back room
here so I could put my desk in back.

The one corner.

This suitcase was my dad's.
I will treasure forever.

 Sorry for the dark pic.

The hanging cabinet this Christmas.

One of the hooked houses I made.

On top of another cabinet.
Another antique feather tree.

Display on the side table by our bed.

My antique Santa and leather reindeer.

These signs I sold at the store last year.

This year I decided to add faux swags on both
sides of my quilt frame headboard.

A few of my quilts.
Bob might divorce me if I purchase any more. LOL
I just love red and blue ones.

Another corner.

On top of my brown cabinet I decided to place
Christmas items underneath my cloches.
Unfortunately it was a dark and dreary day 
when I decided to take these pics.
This is one of my antique Santas.

This is a small Christmas box

Egg carton Santa.

Pantry boxes with a red mitten
 my aunt made for me before she passed on.

This was that Santa underneath one of the cloches.
I pulled ot out for a better pic.

In other news, I went shopping at my
own antique store for my birthday.
I came across this Christmas box.

I love these old boxes. 
They dont make them like they use to.

I also found these 2 cute elves.
My grandkids loved when I hid larger elves
around the house for them to find.
I decided I might start to collect them.
These are smaller than my other ones.

The Mexican restaurant we went to was awesome.
Really authentic and good!
I had one chicken enchilada and a chile relleno.
Bob had a beef burrito, tostada and taco. 
He talked me into a margarita too!
We both had one.
Boy it was good and the food delish!

Dinner ended up being hot boneless wings
for the two of us as the burger restaurant
was packed. It was good for a plan B.

Thank you to those wishing me a happy birthday.
It was a Great one!

Well off to work the gift shop.

Have a wonderful weekend my friends!

Sweet Christmas Dream Blessings To All!


  1. I used to have a few of those elves from decades ago and sadly gave them to a thrift shop years ago. Wish I had them back now. Sorry your aunt has passed on, did she only have time to knit the one mitten or did you misplace the other? Looking a lot like Christmas in your house.

  2. Your home is looking well decorated in your prim style, warm and inviting and it looks like Tundra wants to be part of your decor.
    I'm glad plan B went without a hitch and that you had a great time celebrating your birthday.

    I wish you great sale at the gift shop.

  3. You have an amazing collection all displayed so nicely. Have you even been in a magazine?

  4. Great display of photos! I like them all, especially Tundra in your bedroom, and antique Santa and reindeer on a bed.

  5. Oh Janice, I love it all! The red quilt, the sweet stockings! You inspired me to dust off a couple of oil lamps and add them to the decorations. And I've noticed that cloches over Santas seem to be the "rage" this season, so clever. I almost did that, but in the back of my mind I could hear my son saying, "He looks like he's trapped!" And so I passed, but I did place an electric candle and greenery under one...compromise!

  6. I love your antique Santas and feather trees, especially the one that has seen better days!

  7. Your room is just delightful. Love the quilt and Tundra shows it off to best advantage! You have such wonderful touches. I'm so glad your birthday was delightful. Mexican sounds great!

  8. Hi, I always enjoy looking at how you decorate. :-)

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