Prims By the Water

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Entry Enjoyment

Happy Sunday my friends!
It is snowing here this morning.

Growing up around horses, I have always
loved them.
Although I have not rode in years,
I love my antique ones I was able to collect.

They take center stage in all of my decor.

Bringing in red is so festive too.

A fun display for Christmas.

Well both Bob and I now have colds.
His cousin was also sick so we cancelled dinner
last night and just brought a pizza home.
After one piece and a mug of hot cocoa,
I took a long lot shower and went to bed early.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

Entry Enjoyment Blessings To All!


  1. Glad it is only a cold but hope you and Bob are back 100% tomorrow.

  2. I'm sorry that you both have colds and had to cancel dinner with your husband's cousin. Cold seems to have hit hard in our area as well. So many people are sick this time of year.

    I'm not a collector of antics but I just love your antic horse. He brings a smile to my face. I think he looks very regal. Speedy recovery from your cold.
    Take care.

  3. Oops, it should be "antique". lol...

  4. I love your antique horses and yes, red really pops this time of the year. It’s my favorite Christmas color. Colds can be so annoying- thankfully they usually aren’t too severe but always annoying enough to keep you not feeling your best. Hope it goes away fast!

  5. Hello Dear Janice.... Trying to get back into things here. I've scrolled down and seen some of your wonderful holiday decor. I don't know how you manage to do all you do between your job, the stores, Bob's health, etc. I am sorry to hear you've both come down with colds and wish you a speedy and complete recovery. So much stuff going around of late, but "'tis the season" for that too I guess. Love your old horse. They're a favorite of mine as well and, actually, I think the one in the downstairs bedroom is still sporting his sleighbells from a few holidays past. Take good care. Hugs ~Robin~

  6. Hi Janice. I love the antique horses too but haven't collected any as pretty as yours. Wish I had, now I can't find or afford one. Your's is so pretty dressed up for Christmas. Hope you and hubby are feeling better. So much more is going around now. Merry Christmas..xxoJudy

  7. Oh I'm sorry to hear you're sick...hoping it passes quickly so you can enjoy the holidays. A hot shower and early to bed sounds like the perfect way to end the day. Always love the ideas you share...for me, there's nothing like the feel of an old-fashioned Christmas. Take care, hope you're feeling better soon.

  8. Oh, I hope you feel better soon! All the horses we had/have hold a special place in my heart.

  9. Hopefully the colds will be short lived. Not a good time of the year to not feel well.

  10. Everyone is sick these days but I'm hoping to stay healthy to go visit family next weekend. Plus I also hope I won't bring anything home from that gathering! Your decor is lovely as always. That horse is amazing and looks beautiful! Have a good week and feel better soon!

  11. Oh yes, your antique horse should well take center stage. I love her and your touches of red.

  12. I'm so sorry BOTH of you have colds now. At least you have a beautiful home in which you can recuperate in the midst of seasonal loveliness. Get well soon.


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