Prims By the Water

Friday, November 25, 2022

Santa Tree

 Hello friends!
Hope my US friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
We have so much to be thankful in our family this year.
My sister did not disappoint with the food spread.
I wont bore you with all she made, but it was a lot.
Our bellys were full and lots of conversation was
had by all.
Too bad our Detroit Lions lost the football game.

This year I decided to deck out my
skinny prim tree with homespun Santas
Most I had created through out the years.
Here they are.
One from the 1980's.

This one I created just a few weeks ago.

Again from the 80's.

This one came from a  friend.

A hand stitched one.

Another old one.

This felted one I am selling at the store this year.

I will show the entire tree in an upcoming post.

In other news,
yesterday going home we got held up 
on the freeway with an accident blocking all lanes.
Turns out someone shot one of his family
members and took off and went on the freeway
going the wrong way.
He was killed along with innocent travelers.
So sad.

The weather was most perfect for our Thanksgiving.
It reached 57.

Tomorrow is Small Business Saturday.
If you can, please visit your fav small business,
and show them your support.
With inflation we are a bit worried,
but I know God will makes sure we have what we need.

Happy weekend all!

Santa Tree Blessings To All!


  1. The Santas are such fun - what a great theme for your tree! So sad about the freeway incident - I will never understand such things. His family, the innocent travelers on the road...what a horrible thing to have happen. Take care and I hope you are flooded with customers tomorrow!

  2. I love your homemade Santas. They look wonderful.

    How sad about the families especially at this time of year so close to the Holidays. It's getting crazy.
    You are so right, Janice, we have so much to be thankful to God for all we have. I'm glad that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. I'm so thankful for all my large my family.
    Stay safe and well, hugs.

  3. How incredibly sad thing to happen. We had 4young people driving too fast and no seatbelts one is dead 3 are critically injured.
    I love your tree. I do hope you get lots of customers tomorrow. I worked today it was just ok nothing exciting, but I got our window done yahoo

  4. Hope you shop does well tomorrow and thankful you and Bob arrived home safely despite being held up in traffic. Sad for the other innocent families tho.

  5. I used to collect Santas and would buy a new one every year. Now I have given them away to my kids and family. I still have plenty though! Your Santa tree is adorable and I hope in your store you sold lots today. I missed the previous post and I loved all the toys. Yep, I recognized some from years ago. I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving with family bit so sad about the accident and those killed. Alcohol played a part I bet. It seems to not always be a happy time for some families. I will be shopping on Saturday in our downtown to support the small shops. Have a good weekend!

  6. Oh goodness, what a terrible tragedy. So many things in this world I just don't understand. On the bright side, your Santa's are terribly sweet and I'll bet your pencil tree is lovely. Happy Thanksgiving weekend! Jane

  7. Lovely, versatile Santas! Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.
    We don't have this kind of holiday here, but I tend to say that I'm thankful to God for wakenig up in the morning, each morning to a new day.

  8. How sad for the families of the innocent victims.
    I, too, have a "Santa" tree. Your Santas are so sweet.
    I went to a few small businesses today and bought several gifts from the local historical society gift shop. I hope you had a good day.

  9. I love your homespun Santas. My favorite is the 80s one with the plaid hat. I am definitely looking forward to seeing more of your Christmas decor.

  10. Hi Janice,
    I like your Santa Tree.
    I am praying for the awful tragedy. Our world is so angry.
    Praying for our nation too.. I can feel inflation set in too.

  11. O.k. a little late, had me at "long picture post" ahahah. Love it ALL! I'm going to copy your branch thing for my kitchen window. I don't have curtains up and that is a cool idea...thanks!


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