Prims By the Water

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

September CupboardScape

The first weekend of September is over already.
Bob and I went to lunch yesterday
at one of my favorite restaurants half hour up the river.
I use to frequent this one lots of times
when my office was located in that town.
How I miss that office and my drive along our river.

Today my first Autumn display.
Adding in my happy flowers.

Unfortunately when I picked this crock up
from the floor I noticed this bad crack.
I believe it happened when the guys
brought in their equipment 
when they insulated our attic a few months ago.
It was near the entrance to the laundry room,
where you get up into our attic. 

Another favorite crock with more sunflowers.

This sweet pumpkin guy was created
my Marie AKA Old Lady Morgan.
Marie use to vend at an antique show Bob and I
also vended years ago. 

I found this corn stalk wreath at a prim shop
eons ago too.

Same with this broom corn.

More drieds underneath my display.

I am almost finished decorating for Fall now.
As the saying goes.
Fall is my favorite color.
Is it yours?

Currently I am working on penguins
and Christmas trees.
Always have to be ahead of the game for the store.
Christmas orders are now arriving weekly.

Well off to work.
Cannot believe my long weekend is over already.

September Blessings To All!


  1. Sorry about your crock. Lovely decorating as always.

    1. Yes I was so upset when I saw the cracked crock. Janice

  2. I love sunflowers. Matter of fact I should proddy a few and put in a vessel of something I have around here. Sorry for the damage the workers did on your wonderful crock.

    1. Sunflowers are my happy flower. Outside they turn like they are smiling in my opinion. Janice

  3. So sorry about the broken crock. I'm glad that you still can use it.
    Your September decor is lovely. Sunflowers are always a wonderful addition to fall decor and also Rudbeckias.

    How did September arrive so suddenly? I've been so busy all summer, that I feel like each months is only two weeks long.

    Take care,

    1. Thanks. Yeah not happy at all to see the broken crock. Before we know it, we will be decorating for Christmas again. Janice

  4. Very adequate Fall decorating!

  5. I like your September decor. It already is September 6... I cannot believe how fast this year is going.

    Our Sam deploys at the end of the month. He is in training the rest of the month. We had a good visit with him last week.
    Love, Carla

    1. Glad you had a nice visit with Sam. Thank him for me for his service. Janice

  6. So pretty, as always. Thank you for sharing your ideas each month. I've been looking forward to decorating my little blue shelf for fall since I brought it inside...I'll do that this week! Sorry to hear about the someone who loves old things, that's upsetting. No running to the local big-box store to replace it. Wishing you a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks Mary. Look forward to seeing your shelf decor for Fall. Janice

  7. What a beautiful post! I am so happy that it's time for the "Drieds." I actually had several dried things make it through the summer with me. Your sunflowers are gorgeous. I love love the colors of fall!

    1. Yes time for the drieds. I usually keep them in my back room and bring them out now. Janice

  8. Looks so inviting as usual. My favorite season as well.

  9. I hate when things get broken but you fixed it up nicely and looks good with your flowers in it. I had an antique "Gone with the Wind" lamp that got broken and now I have to throw it away because it can't be fixed. Dang it! But yes, Fall is my favorite and I'm decorating slowly as I know in a few weeks all the Halloween things will come out to fill in the blanks! Have a good weekend!

    1. Aww darn on the lamp. They are quite expensive now too. I know you are itching to bring out the witches. Janice

  10. Ahhh....those wonderfully warm and rich (and neutral at the same time) colors of fall.... My favorite too of course. So sad about the crock... I love the OLM pumpkin head doll. I just love her style and have several (ahem...) of her wonderful fall creations...dolls, pumpkins, etc. I miss her blogging with us. Have a good weekend. (Late to the party I know, but I can only comment on your blog if I am logged in on my pc....and I've been having some pc issues again of late.) ~Robin~

    1. Yes my fav season! I have a few of Marie's creations as well. She is a hoot and yes I do miss her blogging too. Like so many friends I met via this blog. Hope you have a great weekend too my friend! Janice

  11. Thank you. My work week went by fast. Working my gidt shop this weekend now. Janice


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