Prims By the Water

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Back To The Swing Of Things

Hello Friends.
It's been a bit since my last post.
I want to thank everyone for their thoughts
and prayers for my hubby Bob.
Many days in ER, ICU and then to a regular room,
he is finally back home.
More on that at the end.

For my entry wall, just a few change ups.
The flag pillow and antique coverlet piece.

Just a bit of a change makes it look so different.

Just added in some red, white and red textiles.

A small basket with a patriotic ribbon

Love our patriotic colors!

A simple star tucked into my wall shelf.

So more on Bob.
He did have a minor stroke,
which affected his short term memory
and some vision loss in his left eye.
We found this out once he was to move from
ICU to a regular room.
He also had a loop implanted into his chest.
At night he has a machine that checks his heart
while he sleeps.
The cardiologist was not sure if a blot clot
broke off from the back of his heart and 
ended up in his brain, so a precaution at this time
since he has a family history of blot clots.
We have many appts. going forward.
The doctor is hopeful that his vision and memory
will come back once his brain heals.
For now I will be working from home again
all week with my bosses okay so I can help
Bob out. 
He gets tired easily and will not be working the stores
for two months at least.
We will have that covered, and I will go back
to working the gift shop on weekends again.

So thankful the ER doctor ordered that scan
before releasing him, otherwise he would not be 
here right now.
God was on our side for sure.

My days were full while Bob was in the hospital.
I would go to the stores and grab the monies,
make deposits and then take my FIL with me
to visit Bob.
Would take my FIL home late in the afternoon, 
pick up Tundra and then go back to the gift store
and do inventory.
Our phones would blow up each day with 
those inquiring about Bob.
At times so much that they would die.
It got to a point where I was not sure
what I said to whom. It was crazy!

My Halloween and Autumn items have been arriving daily
and I have to make sure all is alright, otherwise
I would not get my money back 
if something was damaged and I waited.

Well today is my last day off work.
Bob would like his lunch now, so off to make him something.

Thanks again for all of your well wishes and prayers.
It is much appreciated!

Also now I have to play catch up on my favorite blogs.
So glad to getting back to a somewhat normal life again.

Swing Of Things Blessings To All!


  1. I am so very sorry for your husband's health issues so glad to hear he is home and hopefully on the mend. Sending healing wishes

  2. Thank you for the update. I am so thankful to hear Bob is feeling better and his home, and home sweet home is best to heal.
    Sending prayers and hugs,

  3. Sounds like you could do with a bit of a respite yourself after the last couple weeks. Glad Bob is home.

  4. Hope Bob continues to feel better , there is no place like Home to recover . Take care & hope you have lots of good helpers at your shop .

  5. It sounds insanely busy, compounded by the stress of worry but I'm glad he is home and that you can work from home for a bit to get things kicked off. It's a lot for one woman to hold together. It's so very scary when someone you love is so ill and so suddenly. I admire your stamina and am so grateful that he is improving. It may be a long haul and still with uncertainties but certainly a big step up.

  6. Happy to hear that Bob is home and on the road to recovery.
    Don't forget to take care of yourself!!!

  7. Thanks for the update on Bob. I'm glad he at home now and resting so he can heal. I times like this, we are made aware of the important things in life. Good health is at the top of the list. So take care of yourself so you can take care of Bob.

    Prayers and hugs.

  8. I, too, am relieved to hear Bob is home and recovering. But as the others say, please take care of yourself as well. It must be mind-boggling having the stores, another job, and Bob's appointments and such to orchestrate. Just keep in mind that Wonder Woman is a fantasy. Continuing to keep you in thought and prayer.... ~Robin~

  9. So glad to know that Bob is back home and recovering. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. I do love your patriotic touches.

  10. I sure hope you have help from friends and family. Bob, may you mend steadily. That was scary

  11. oh how scary I hope he has a speedy recovery prayers being sent your way

  12. I'm so glad your hubby is home again and things are getting back to almost normal. I understand those blood clot worries as my hubby too has had his health issues with that. Prayers will continue for you both and for quick and complete healing!

  13. Thanks for the updates...I'm sure time is so limited now with your busy schedule. Sending wishes for a quick recovery, and do try to get some rest yourself. Love your patriotic quilts, just perfect!


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