Prims By the Water

Sunday, February 6, 2022

A Snowy Splendor Inside

Hello all!
Hope your weekend is a good one.

I am not a Winter fan anymore
like I was when I was a kid.
Neither is Bob.
So we spend most of our Winter evenings
in our living room because that
is where our fireplace is.

I always leave the lights up around
the two entryways into our kitchen.
(that is a green light at the bottom)
When my lights went out, all I could find 
was a green replacement for the burnt out bulb. LOL

It just makes sitting in the living room
at night even more cozier.
I usually take them down mid February.  

I also bring in my snowman displays
after I take down the Christmas ones.
This year however, I only did one.
Adding in a snowman pillow with
a blue & white quilt.

Its hard to see in this pic,
but there are three rye baskets.

This snowman was made by one of my friends.
She made him using a Bemis feedsack.

I kept up my small snow flocked tree.
minus the red leaves coverlet piece, 
stocking over picture and Santa.

Christmas pics.

See how color can change the look 
of a display.
The same rye baskets & firkin were there
all of the time. 
Tree still in the same place.
Bowls underneath still there.
Green in pipe box also remain on he wall.

A simple display to keep the
Winter blues at bay.

Well thank goodness the storm the other day
brought only 6 inches of snow.
Speaking of snow, our dog Tundra is loving it!
We have a hard time getting him in now. LOL
Even at the store he just wants to lay in it.
Crazy snow dog.

Yesterday I saw my first bald eagle for the season.
He was perched high in a tree looking majestic.

The ice has now jammed up
and is once again wrecking havoc to certain
homes in the area.
It is because the coast guard cuts the ice for
a freighter and then that ice pushes 
higher to the shoreline causing water to
push on land.
Because the river is higher than it use to be in years,
is why we are having this issue now.
Just wish the freighters would stop sailing
in the Winter like they use to.

Snowy Splendor Blessings To All!


  1. Love the snowman your friend made you. I have some old feed sacks I should look thru them and pick something to make a snowman for me. Also love that Santa and stocking.

    1. Yes he is a keeper for sure! This snowman's legs have wood inside his legs and he stands on a piece of wood for stability. Janice

  2. What a fun feed sack snowman!
    That would be so nerve wracking having to worry about an ice jam causing flooding. The town just west of me has ice jam issues on occasion but not caused by freighters.

    1. Yes my friend sold lots of these that year at the Breckenridge antique show. I bought him as soon as I saw it. Still love him after all these years. I heard they had to rescue some folks off the ice in the lake by you. Janice

  3. You truly demonstrated the impact of color can make to a display. I really like the blue display. Your feed sack snowman looks pretty cool.

    Ice jams can be so problematic. I hope that it doesn't causes any flooding in your area.

    PS. I hope your daughter is getting stronger and better with every passing day.

    1. Thanks Julia! Yes ice jams can be so problematic here. Hopefully the coast guard can get the ice out soon. My daughter is getter better each day. Thank you for asking. Janice

  4. I just had to look at a map of the St. Clair, it's so fun to see where everyone is from! I have another friend on the St. Lawrence, another far away place. I live near the Ipswich River! But it's tiny in comparison. Love the way you showed the comparison of the winter scene versus the Christmas decor. Love the blue changes. And your flocked tree looks so pretty. We have a string of lights that I leave up year round. It's just a short one and very prim. Tiny white lights that have been encrusted with a powdery prim brown substance, much like cinnamon. I have it draped on my little spool front bureau with my favorite prim items. I'd love to see Tundra playing in the snow! Jan in MA

    1. I love leaving my lights up until mid February. It makes the dark night a bit cozier. Our river is pretty wide at 800 feet with depths of 30-70 feet. You cannot swim across because of the undertows, but we do swim close to shore...even with the fish. LOL Janice

  5. No fan of winter here either...never have been and get less and less of one each and every year. (Remind me again why I live here???) Your blue display and fun snow fella is wintry and soothing all at once...must be the blue thing. (Speaking of blue, that blue quilt is fabulous!) My white lights are the last to be taken down and, yes, I still have my laundry room and kitchen trees up...and, like you, some of the greens. They just cozy things up and I think are a nice backdrop to the reds of Valentine's decor as well....although your blues is definitely less Christmasy and more wintery than I suppose my red hearts and left over Christmas greens and lights LOL. Is there any action (legal or otherwise) that the property owners can initiate to stop the freighters from doing this?? Or somehow be held responsible for the damage that is being caused?? Is there an area property owners association?? (Sorry,'s the lawyer in me I suppose.) Glad you weren't snowed in...we had snow off and on all weekend, but so very light it didn't leave much of an impact. ~Robin~

    1. Yes greens, lights and red are so beautiful together! Well unfortunately it is the Canadian Coast Guard that cuts the river this time of year for the Canadian freighters, so I do not think us Americans can do anything about it since it is a shared river between countries. The American freighters stop running until March. Janice

  6. I am amazed by your weather. Ice jams! I am going to have to watch a Youtube in order to grasp it properly. I love your displays and the lights left up during these truly wintry days.

    1. Yes the ice jams up when the river splits into two smaller channels a mile South of us. When this happens the bald eagles come back to our area which we love! I have seen 4 now since the ice came in. Janice

  7. We have been cold and snowy a regular old fashioned winter. And then a thaw came and ruined the ice for pond hocky and now we are cold again crazy weather

    1. Oh so sorry about the ice melting. Mother Nature can be mean sometimes. Janice

  8. Yes, that is a great visual for us on how you can change the "look" love it of course! Ice jams...that's awuful!

    1. Thanks Jacky! I love changing things up...either at home or the store! The only good thing about the ice is that the eagles come and I love seeing them! Janice

  9. I love keeping a tree up for the winter and lots of lights to brighten things up and make them more cozy! The snowman is darling. You only got 6"? We got about 13.5 -- not horrible, but it will be here awhile.

    1. Glad I am not the only one who keeps a tree up. Looks like you got the snow we were suppose to get. Janice

  10. 6 inches is quite a bit...such fun to see the dogs enjoying it! I love the blue & white quilt; what pattern is that? I've always wanted a blue & white bear claw pattern...maybe someday! I love the white sparkling lights; they're just what we need on these frosty days. Keep warm! Mary

    1. Yes it was fun watching Tundra run around in it, but now he does not do it. Guess it wore out. LOL Yes love the lights up during the long Winter nights. Makes it much more cozier! Janice

  11. Hi,
    I love how you shared how just the change of color made an impact. I love it.
    I keep my nutcracker collection up and twinkle lights until March 1st.

    1. Thanks Carla. Its like a quilter sewing up a quilt. The same pattern can look so much different depending on the colors you choose. Janice

  12. That snowman is huge! He's so cute! You do a great job of changing things out with just changing the colors. I keep my snowmen up until after Valentines Day but I think this year they are calling the snow Gods to our house so I may just have to remove them a little earlier! Ha!

    1. Yeah the snowman is 4 1/2 ft high. I HATE snow more and more each year. Janice

  13. Hi Janice, you sure have some tough winters. We have been enjoying the milder winter since moving from WI to KY, although it has been cold and icy the last few weeks. Your decor changes are wonderful and a simple, but beautiful way to freshen things up. Stay warm my friend!Hope the weather situation eases up for your area. Jane

    1. I was wondering if you had that ice storm the other week. Changing things upmakes me love my home more each season. I think thats why I do it, so I dont get bored with it. LOL Janice

  14. Janice, it sounds cold where you are. We are having some very spring like days, believe it or not, but the patch of snow is still on the front lawn. I love the idea of leaving the lights up through January. We do need some brightness to get through and I will have to remember that for next year..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

  15. Well today it was in the 40's. the snow is melting a bit. Will be glad when Spring arrives. I know the Robins have come back already, so Spring is near. Janice


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