Prims By the Water

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Porch Sitting

For some reason my blog roll has disappeared.

I have no idea who is posting now.

Is anyone else having this issue too?

If so, were you able to fix it somehow? 

Well on to my today's post.
This is the large pillow that is on my bench.
It was made from vintage ticking material.
I purchased this at an antique show years ago.
It first started out on our bed, 
and moved to the bench once I purchased this.

I had this post as a decorative item in
our gift shop for almost a year.
When thinking about my gramma H's farmhouse,
I always loved the fact that she had 
three covered porches.

Well I decided once the kitchen was done,
to bring this porch post home
to remind me every day of those porches.
{I purchased with the faux vine wrapped around it}

So for this small display,
I placed another breadboard up
against our newly made chimney cabinet.

Growing up as a kid,
there was no such thing as a booster chair.

Both grammas simply added pillows
on a chair and we sat on that at the table.
This is why I added this small pillow.

I only added the pantry box so Tundra
would not grab my pillow.
Go ahead and say it.
"Oh Tundra" LOL

A cute lil display in memory of my grammas.

On the other side of the bench I added
this faux fig plant.
Gramma H always had 
Fig Newtons around as a treat.
Another nod to my gramma.

Fig plant inside one of my crocks.

This is my display on top of our chimney cabinet.
A pie peel in nod of gramma B.
She always made pies.
The wood box because gramma B 
also had them in her own kitchen. 

The French enamelware pitcher
as a nod to my gramma H.

Added the Rosemary stick
for my great gramma H.
This was her name.

Well hopefully my blog read will get fixed soon.
I did submit a help on it.
Who knows,
I just want to let those know this is the reason
I have not been commenting on your posts.

Porch Sitting Blessings To All!



  1. Hi Janice. My blogger has been giving me problems also. People have said they can't comment on mine. I am so glad you and Bob are vending at the Early Homestead show. I just hope the border will be open by then. I sure miss everyone.
    I love enamelware. That pitcher is awesome.

  2. So far, I've heard that several followers are missing their Reading List and don't know who have posted. Someone suggested that they use the list of blogs that usually post to see who has posted. I hope that you get your Reading List back.

    So far I'm still OK but I don't know for how long.

    Your display in honor of your grandmother is well done. She would love it.

    Hugs, Julia

  3. You can also follow through the comments although it won't let you know who has posted.


  4. Blogger has been messing with me also. I can't use my go to place for my backgrounds. Makes me so mad! I like your displays and your tributes to your Grandmas! My hubby loves fig Newtons so we always have them here. I love porches and I enjoy sitting out on our back deck under the gazebo cover but I really want a screened in porch or gazebo because of the pesky mosquitoes! So bad this year!

  5. By blog roll, do you mean the list on the left side of your dashboard under settings, layout, etc.? Mine was for about five days but it came back today so check again. If it's not there, use the feedback link to tell blogger. I try to follow anyone by mail if I can but a lot of people don't have it and I really rely on that list.

  6. Yes, I have just been to two blogs this past week and the bloggers were rightfully upset. Theirs were gone, too, and they couldn't comment, either. And I think one's header had gone poof. I had my blog roll disappear and had to rebuild it, about what, two months ago now? It was very upsetting. I rebuilt it by putting the widget back in and doing the "add from blogs you follow" and that would pop up a list of all the blogs I follow.

  7. Hi Janice. I see you are putting up some "granny" decor which a lot of young-uns these days seem to not approve of, but I love it. You have such great collections and it is always fun to see what you are doing. As far as anything goes with Blogger, I have never in all the years I have been blogging, looked at most things that are offered. Remember, I said I wasn't a great student! I follow most by e-mail and I answer everyone under my post comments and then go to their individual blogs.. I am seeing different ones saying that things aren't going well sometimes, and I guess ignorance might be bliss as I don't seem to have any problems out of the ordinary..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

  8. no problems but I have not been on all that much either.
    love your decorating. My gram made soft molasses cookies I would kill for one right now.(ok Kidding)

  9. Great post! It took me back to some memories of my wonderful grandmothers, one of which usually had fig Newton cookies on her cabinet.

  10. I am having the same blog issue. GRRRR!

    I love the memories of your grandmothers. I have been missing mine as of late. I have so many questions I did not get answered, for the both of them. I miss playing cards with both of them as well. My one grandma had a fun sense of humor, she was a fun lady.
    xx oo

  11. No blogger roll problem, but I did notice that it only shows 10 of the blogs I read now...with a little note at the bottom that reads, "show all". A glitch in an update maybe? Yikes...I'd better back up, just in case!

    Anyway, love the porch post, what a grand idea! Mary

  12. I can relate to this post on so many levels. You know I had blog problems lately, fixed now. I love the pillow ticking pillow - dog's pulling things off to lay on them...I get that!! Fig Newtons - love them, my grandma too.

  13. I love all these vivid memories you have of your Grandmothers and how they have come to life in your home! A dear friend of mine once told me that she felt like she was the archivist of her family and has always kept and continued certain traditions and well used items. Many of these traditions are still in play and I thought about what she said and it seemed like the best way to pass along important ways of our family members long gone. I feel like I sort of know your Grammas too because of your detailed posting of memories and recreations! Keeping these memories alive in our 2021 lives is not only a way to archive them for our younger generations but to provide our own homes with that same sense of days when life was less complicated and always home centered.


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.