Prims By the Water

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Winter Bath Part 1

Hello again friends.

Hope you are enjoying your week thus far.

Not only is today Tuesday,

but it is Paczki Day! 

Being Polish I grew up with these sweet treats

made by my maternal grandmother. A paczki is a filled donut. Traditionally filled with prune, but now filled with blueberry filling, strawberry, raspberry, lemon, chocolate and canolli.

I had a blueberry one for breakfast. 

This post is a tour of our Winter bath.

(pillow above my mom made)


I have so many pics that this will be done in 2 posts.

Paperwhites on this child's chair.
(we sell these in our gift shop)
Do you remember when I told you about
the 3 5 7 rule.
Well today I am letting you in on another 
design technique.

This one is called overlaying.
Florists do it all of the time.
Its when  you take different elements
and layer them.
Like in this display.
I first placed the greens in my pitchers.
Then I added (layered) in the hydrangeas.
Notice the 3 rule of having the three pitchers.

Here I first added the green garland.
Next the silver springs and finally the white flowers.

We sell these galvanized tree containers at our store.
They are suppose to be for pillar candles. 
I used it as a vessel for a flower arrangement.

Notice this antique?
Can you guess what I use it for?

Fits Q-tips perfectly.

I created this picture which is also for sale.

Another example of overlaying.
This time placing a wreath on my stool,
adding the chamber pot,
a green sprig and this ornament.
A customer was going to purchase this,
but when wrapping it up was
discovered it was broke on the side.
She bought a different one.
I brought this one home and placed it in here.
You cannot even see where it was broke.

Another example.

This time on our toilet paper holder.
Bob made this for us.

Well that does it for part 1.
See you next time for part 2.

7 inches of snow hit us overnight and expected to snow until noon today. Probably end up with 8-10 inches.

Winter Bath Blessings To All!



  1. What a fun creation of pretty things for a bathroom while keeping that winter snowy theme! Bob’’s toilet paper holder is really neat and creative too.

    Packzi Day is new to me and I was wondering if it was related to the southern Mardi Gras celebration? On Mardi Gras, jelly filled donuts are also eaten as a way to use up the butter and fats that won’t be eaten during the Lenten season which starts tomorrow on Ash Wednesday. Glad you had a special treat for breakfast this morning too!

    1. Yes this Polish tradition was to use up the lard and sugar in your pantry before Lent started. I have heard another tradition was to eat pancakes too with other nationalities. Janice

  2. thanks for the 3 5 7 rule, it is true, your eye likes odd numbers. I would love a toilet paper shelf...great idea. You are right, staging an imperfect antique correctly and know one knows.

    1. Yes odd numbers are good for displaying. Bob made a few of these TP holders for clients one year. I love mine in our farmhouse bath. Janice

  3. Our snow fall ended up about the same as yours. It's a winter wonderland...but 32 days until spring.
    TP holder hubby made is very cool!

    1. 2 more inches tonight and more in the next coming days. Winter is here now. Yes so love my TP holder. He is a keeper. Janice

  4. Beautiful, so fresh looking, so pretty. I like your layering.

  5. This is a wonderful post with many terrific tips. Ah, Paczkis. I haven't had one in ages. I used to have a work colleague who every Fat Tuesday brought two dozen to the office. They are a once a year thing and oh, so good!

    1. I use to bring them into work myself for everyone in or office. Since working from home for as year now, no paczkis in the office now. :-( Janice

  6. Your little displays are lovely. Oh, filled doughnuts make my mouth water. Today on Mardi Gras, or Shrove Tuesday we had buttered pancake and maple syrup and sausages for supper.

    We also had snow today mixed with ice pellets then rain.

    Take care, hugs,

    1. Thank you Julia! Shrove Tuesday sounds good too! Janice

  7. Janice, I love all the vignettes. I have a lot of those broken pieces sitting around. When no one knows it but you then it isn't broken, right? Love, love your bathroom floor..Stay well..xxoJudy

    1. If you ever watch the show Home Town, they featured our floor as a kitchen backsplash in an episode. We have had our tile floor for many years now. I have a few items that are one knows but me. Janice

  8. Fun arrangements. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Beautiful vignettes all comes together so beautiful and creates a relaxing soothing effect. I love the greens and whites. Your "q-tip holder" is wonderful! I use old containers for q-tips in several of my baths, but none are as cool as yours. I think my favorite pieces in this post are the q-tip holder, Bob's tp holder, and that wonderful soap box..... And, oh....that gorgeous floor!!! Stay warm and safe in all that white stuff outside. ~Robin~

  10. Thank you Robin! I fell in love with that tile when I saw it. Having the copper grout makes in look old fashion. So glad the tile lady suggested we go with that color as we were thinking a gray or black. I have a small collection of soapboxes that I keep in our bath...but put away for my Winter display. Janice

  11. How I would love to roam around in your shop. Your flower layer designs are so lovely! I love the paper whites in the child's chair! Stay warm!

    1. Thank you! I really did like how it turned out. Janice

  12. Everything you display and create is so lovely! The paper whites on the chair are so lovely! Stay warm!

    1. Thanks, I like to create vignettes with faux flowers because I have kitties who may eat the real ones. Janice

  13. Love all of your displays Janice. Love the layering. Have a great weekend!!

  14. Thanks Janet! Hope you have a great weekend and stay warm my friend! Janice

  15. Love the bathroom,always a wonder at putting things together. Love Bob's creation too. What is hanging on the towel bar? Hope to get in store soon💕


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