Prims By the Water

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Going To The Skunks

Am late in saying this, but

Happy New Year!

I am back from my short time away,

The last time I worked on this rug
 was last July.
I managed to finish the skunk now.

Decided to hook a rug in animals
that had a meaning in my life.
Am calling it Animal Crackers.
Will feature a few stories 
with each animal I hook.

My first skunk story was when my sister and I
pulled into our parents driveway.
I was driving.
We had a pretty long driveway, and we had to
park our cars there and go through the front door.
On this particular night,
as I pulled into the driveway,
I thought I saw something on the porch.
We lived in the country, so no street lights.
I backed out a bit, and pulled forward
angling the car lights onto the porch.
Yep, a skunk was there.
At the time this happened, there were no cell phones.
Turning my high beams on did not scare it.
Turning my lights on and off did not scare it.
Honking my horn did not scare it.
Finally my dad wanted to know who was
beeping the horn that many times,
so he turned the porch light on.
Thankfully as he opened the door,
that skunk took off.
We were glad because we wanted to get out of the car,
and get inside.

My second story involves my mom.
My parents built a new house in the mid 80's
in the town they were from originally.
I purchased their old home.
We were helping them move in.
My mom and the kids were in the lead car.
My dad, first husband and I were in 
the moving van right behind my mom.
We were about 10 minutes from their new home.
Broad daylight, we see this skunk coming 
from the side of the road.
We see my mom hit it.
Arriving to their house my mom pulled in the drive.
We pulled in behind her.
Dad got out right away before she decided
to park in the garage.
The car stunk to high heaven.
Mom's car stayed outside for a week.   

Do you have a skunk story you would like to share?

Hopefully it won't take another 6 months 

before completing the next animal.

Skunk Blessings To All!





  1. I Do have a skunk story I was a teenager and had been out with friends and when I came in I went right into the bathroom and there was a skunk! my mom had a coworker who had a pet skunk (descented) and she was going to have it put to sleep my mother could not accept that and took it until she could find another home and failed to tell me. It was chaos for a few minutes!

    1. Oh my. I would have jumped out of my shoes or screamed hard at the sight of that. Thanks for sharing! Janice

  2. I love this! Yes, I do. I opened my chicken coop one day to see a huge, fat skunk in the corner and a few headless hens with guts eaten. Ugghhh. I quickly closed the door and ran in the house to find a gun. I don't know how to shoot I grabbed a "gun" I couldn't figure out how to use it, so I drove up to my neighbor's house, walked up to their porch, "gun" in hand and asked "how do I use this?" I told him about the skunk in the corner...too fat now to hardly move....he said, "that's not a real gun, that's a pellet gun, all you're going to do is piss it off...let me come down and take care of it." That coop still on hot humid days stunk of over a year. Good thing in WI we have more cold than hot days. I can't wait for the next animal!

    1. I can see you grabbing that pellet gun thinking you would be able to kill it. Thank goodness your neighbor stopped you. Thanks for sharing! Janice

  3. Living in the country always means sharing the land with skunks. I hadn't even seen a skunk until my son brought home a puppy. I think he got skunked at least 4 times. Usually it wasn't too bad but once he got it full force on the face. He foamed at the mouth and had a really bad reaction. Thankfully he was OK and the groomer could get the smell out. Now I only know we have one when I mow and see the sod torn up. They do that looking for grubs. My neighbors have chickens but the raccoons are the real problem there. I laughed when I saw what you were going to hook...I'm not fond of those critters!

    1. Oh no poor puppy. :-( Yes they are good for the eco system as they do eat grubs. Thanks for sharing your story! Janice

  4. Here is my skunk story. Missy my white fluffy cat was outdoors and it was starting to get dark. I called her in and I could smell skunk in the air. She was coming from the river and she seemed to not see where she was going. I called her to come in and she turned toward my voice and I was holding the door opened and when she ran in, I could smell the heavy musky skunk odor. I chased her in the sunroom and closed the door. She had been sprayed right in her little face and was momentarily blinded by the spray. Her face was yellow. I bathed her with lemon juice and water with a few drops of dish soap.
    My first and last personal encounter with a

    1. Not in the face. Poor Missy. So glad you and Missy NEVER encountered another skunk. Thanks for sharing your story! Janice

  5. I love your skunk stories and your workmanship is beautiful! Yes, I DO have a skunk story! We once had a Jack Russell terrier who loved to run and chase. We kept him on a very long chain outside but he was a bit of an escape artist. We were up north and my aunt, two doors down, had sold her house and the new neighbors were due the next day to move in. The day before moving day, Jack broke his chain when he saw a skunk and went after it. He did corner it -- under my aunt's house. The skunk did, as skunks to and a very smelly dog came home. We never told the neighbors what had happened, but as I recall, my mom did give them a "welcome" bunch of flowers!

    1. Well I hope the flowers helped the smell a bit. Not fun having a pet sprayed by a skunk. UGH Thanks for sharing with us! Janice

  6. No real skunk story, but maybe 4 summers ago we had a real skunk problem in the neighborhood. Walking the dog at night I had to be uber cautious because I would often see a skunk and we would immediately do a 180*.

    1. I would do a 180 myself! Thanks for sharing!! Janice

  7. Fun stories and cute idea for your rug. Love the skunk.

    1. Thank you Jennie! I did love reading everyone stories. Janice

  8. Cute skunk Janice! I thought they were so cute and begged (I mean BEGGED) my parents to get me one for a pet (descented of course), but no go. Had to put up with squirrels and raccoons LOL. We have lots of skunks in Nod...and having dogs means more than one came in the house stinking to high heaven. The only incident I can laugh at now (didn't then) was when our white Siberian got sprayed. Someone told me to give her a bath in tomato I did... I ended up with a pink dog that smelled like skunk and tomato. NOT pleasant. My stomach still churns when I think of it. ~Robin~

    1. Oh no not Snow dog. I have heard tomato juice just makes it worse. Yes it is not a pleasant smell. Janice

  9. Hi Janice,
    First of all, your skunk is "stinking" cute!! LOL
    My skunk story actually involves me!! I was 2 and we lived in the country and apparently, I just LOVED cats!! One day while out in the yard with my mom hanging clothes, I started calling for a "kitty" and before my mom could reach me, I got sprayed! She said she stripped me right there in the yard, and I kept crying and couldn't figure out what happened!! I got several tomato juice baths before anyone but her would come near me!! Thank goodness I now know what a real cat looks like!!!
    I still think your skunk is adorable, too!!
    Heart Hugs~
    Julie xo

    1. LOL I was wondering if anyone would say my skunk was stinking cute. LOL I could see you thinking it was a kitty. They do look harmless. Janice

  10. So glad to read your post and I love those family stories of the skunk. I had a cat once that got sprayed and we struggled to get the awful smell off of his fur coat. Your new hooked rug is going to be adorable!!

    1. YEAH Winnie. So glad you were able to post a comment. Yes having a pet get sprayed by a skunk is not a good thing. We had that happen to our neighbors dog once. Thanks for sharing! Janice


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