Prims By the Water

Friday, January 15, 2021

A Winter Respite

At our gift shop. 

Now that all of the Christmas is packed away,
it seems a bit bare at our store.
I did leave the tall tree up and moved
it to this corner with just the lights on it.

Just a touch for a Winter respite.

A little bit of farmhouse.

Piggies and enamelware.
Oh and cheese boards.

A far cry from Christmas,
but each season brings out its own beauty.

I so love these galvanized houses and church,
that I added to my Winter bath look at home.
(will show in a later post)

A hint of Spring with these fern pots.

Pillows at the bottom.

The Winter fireplace display.

My mom was given a bunch of her sister's
crocheted and knitted throws
that she made so she asked
if I could sell them for her 
after she passed away last February.
We decided that a portion of those sold will
go to the charity of my mom's choice.
This is the first time I had put these out.
I did not take pics of all of them,
however a few have already sold.

More pillows, picture frames and medallions.
Next month Spring will arrive at the store.
Cannot wait!
We opened March 1st of last year,
and 2 weeks after opening had to close due to covid.
Hardly anyone had a chance to peruse our
Spring line then so looking forward to bringing
it back out...with more new items
arriving this month too.
Will set up for Spring after Valentines Day...
which BTW an area of Valentines has been out now.

Winter Respite Blessings To All!


  1. Looks so nice - "season" of light...we need it. That's great about the crocheted throws. Yes, we need to get back to selling and looking foward to Spring.

    1. We got our first snow since Christmas. Enough to cover the ground for now. Its been almost Spring like weather here for weeks. Hopefully more throws will sell. Great cause. Janice

  2. Very nice displays. Good luck on great buyers.

    1. Thanks Saundra. Yesterday was good...not so mush today. I think no one wanted to drive in the snow. Janice

  3. I love that black and white chevron crocheted afghan and those enamelwares. I'm hoping that as the daylight increases every day, that the customers will buy all your stock. What a thoughtful gesture to donate the revenue to charity.

    I don't know how you do it, to have to change the seasonal decor so often. I have difficulty changing the decor from Christmas in my home.

    Hugs, Julia

    Hope for better days ahead.
    Hugs, Julia

    1. Thanks Julia! My aunt always did such a nice job of knitting and crocheting. It is easier at the store to change things around because thats our livelihood. Now ask me about doing it at home now. LOL Janice

  4. It all looks so lovely and calming Janice. I do love the lights on a tree. Good choice to leave it up. Love that little driftwood tree!! Well, and those galvanized houses have long been a favorite of mine. I have a few and am trying to resist the temptation to get a whole village LOL. I can tell the afghan draped on the back of the chair in the first photo is handmade, but are tose on the shelves with the fringe also handmade by your aunt??? They look amazing!! Have a great weekend!! ~Robin~

    1. I cannot believe how many folks want to buy that tree now. LOL not for sale though. Some throws on the shelves were handmade, others were bought to sell. Janice

  5. Pretty! Winter has a certain pared-down beauty all its own.

    1. Yes each season truly does have its own beauty. We just have to look for it. Thanks for your wonderful comment! JAnice

  6. Your new banner is darling and I am so impressed with the beautiful displays in the store. I promise to one day see it in person!

  7. Very lovely, I like the big ruler. I am excited for Spring too.
    Take Care, Carla

    1. Yes that ruler is a growth chart. No need to get out a yardstick and measure. LOL Janice

  8. You find the best items for your shop.
    Love the galvanized pieces!

    1. U try to find unusual things and what's in style with the magazines. Janice

  9. I'm glad you left the tree up. We need the light during winter. I have noticed that it does seem a little lighter later. We've had a mild season so far but I'm still looking forward to spring. Hopefully the pandemic will get under control and your business can be flooded with customers! Your shop, displays and items are wonderful!

    1. I keep some white lights up in my house too for January. Winter is so cold and dark at night that the lights do brighten things up. Janice

  10. I love your "Winter Respite" arrangements. I suppose my favorites are the galvanized houses and church.

    1. Yep we have to find the good in every season! Janice

  11. It looks so pretty and how nice to pass along some handmade work for a good cause. I love the "winter" look but only for this month. Then I want spring! Some of my tulips are up and my ornamental kale is still hanging on, looking beautiful in the snow (what we have of it.) I am so glad your business is holding up in this bad time and I love seeing your posts.

    1. Yes it is a good cause with the throws. My aunt did amazing work! So glad I was able to get a pair of mittens from her. Janice

  12. Your shop decor does feel restful with the white and other bits of color here and there. I bet those hand made throws will be enjoyed by many as this is the time of year when they sure feel good on your legs or shoulders!!Looking forward to your one year anniversary and the soon to arrive Spring goodes!! Hop will be out soon down here dragging a carrot along for an easy snack. It has been cold in Florida the past two months so everyone is snuggled together and resting. This past Fall was a busy one with all the Witches testing out the window openings and then finding such an abundant supply of lizards and toads for Halloween spells! Poor Hop was just hiding with the girls for fear he might lose an ear or his cotton tail to the Witches. Thankfully those girls sleep until we get close to July and then all bets are off as to when they leap out of the box and sort of take over again. Happy Winter respite to you up in Michigan!!

    1. Thanks for always making me laugh Winnie! I was making a batch of prim bunnies at the store this weekend and already sold one. Will work on more tomorrow after I get home from errands since I have the day off. Hopefully my orange wool will arrive in time for me to make something else for the store. Lets pray the mail wont hold up this order, like others I have done in the past. Janice

  13. The tree and lights are perfect for winter...still sparkly and cozy. I love the look! (And thank you for not rushing the next holiday, so many shops had Valentines out the last week of December. Too early for the saying goes, Enjoy the Season you are in!

    1. I actually mixed a bit of snow items with Valentines since where we live it snows in February. Looks sweet and will do a post later on it. Janice

  14. Your shop looks inviting. The lit tree certainly adds warmth to the look. I have a galvanized church gifted to me. Y my daughter and I love it.

  15. How nice to have been gifted with one. I think they are so cool! Janice


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