Prims By the Water

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Winky Blinky and Nod

Oh boy.
What did I get myself into?
I decided to make Halloween banners
for the gift shop.
I saw them for sale at $25 for a 5 foot one.
We have 20 feet for the space I wanted.
Plus I want two rows....
so I figured I could make them myself.
Have been working on them for the last 2 days.
I want our store to be so cool for Halloween.
It took me 2 hours to just draw and cut 
out the flags from the fabric.
2 yards each of orange, yellow and two blacks.
Will show once completed.
Glad I took the week off to get these finished.
I have one row done now.
One more to go.
I made mine 26 feet long so it will drape.

Today I want to show you my latest
pumpkin brothers.

Meet Winky.
He is the outgoing brother.
Winks constantly at others and very social.

Blinky squints all of the time.
He refuses to go to the eye doctor,
because he thinks glasses will not look good.

Nod stays up all night
so he nods off all of the time during the day.

These pumpkin pillows
were made from wool.

Their colors are more true in this picture.

Well of to finish banner number two.
Then onto other projects.

Pumkin Brother Blessings To All!


  1. you certainly are busy all the time! Love your pumpkins cant wait to see the banners.

    1. Yes I am. Today though took a nap in the afternoon. Guess I needed it. Janice

  2. Busy busy busy, winken,blinken and nod are so cute. Cant wait to see the new banner and get some corn. Stay cool and relax,this must be a staycation

    1. Thanks Sandy Hope you enjoy my table and cabinet asmuch as I did. Janice

  3. Ha ha....those are so cute Janice.... You are always so creative....but I am really and truly anxious to see your banners!!! I bet they are going to be amazing!! ~Robin~

    1. Once the banners are up, I will show them. Saved a ton of money doing these myself. Janice

  4. I'm thinking $25 is sounding better and better! Love the new pieces you shared!

    1. Hmmm it would have cost me over $200 if I had purchased these. I spent $60 on the fabric. Glad I took the time to make them myself. Janice

  5. So cute, I like their names. LOL> Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  6. Love those guys, so much personality!

  7. Thanks Peggy. Hope your Summer is going good for you. Janice

  8. Love these Janice. A great job you did making them.
    Have a great weekend.

  9. Hi Janice! Your pumpkin brothers are so adorable, just like their old timey names. Summer is going so fast, Halloween will be here before you know it! Jane

  10. Cute pumpkin brothers! I love coming by to see your creations because it gives me hope that Autumn will be here and it's my favorite time of year. I hate to wish my life away but this summer has been so hot and with Covid not much fun either. Oh well, I hope the next season comes with better vibes!


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