Prims By the Water

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Special Tulips

When Bob and I started the clean out
of our attic last Saturday...
and it is not done yet. 
So much more to go through.

Any hoot, these tulips were found in one
of the zillion boxes I have up there.

I was so thrilled to find these!
Why you ask?
Well because my dad made these.

He and I back in the 80's did the craft show circuit.
He made wood crafts, while I made my fabric ones.
We did Spring, Autumn and Christmas ones.
My dad passed in 1993.
So this was a great find as I forgot my mom 
even gave me these a long time ago. 

I originally had nothing in my wax sealers.
My dad's tulips make my display even better now.

This is now my daily view while I work from home.
Even though the tulips are not blooming 
yet outside here,
they are blooming inside...
and oh how they make my heart sing!

Have you ever made a discovery
that made your heart sing?

Special Tulip Blessings To All!


  1. What a special find and fond memory of your dad. They look great in those jugs.

    1. Thank you Saundra. I was so thrilled to find them. Janice

  2. Such a timely gift to discover at this time. Enjoy the sweet memories.
    Hugs, Julia

  3. So very sweet that you have wonderful memories of your dad :)

    1. Yes and a great find in these difficult times. Janice

  4. My husband makes these I have several around the house.

  5. Such a sweet surprise! I love them! Have a good week and enjoy the happy memories of your Dad while looking at his creations!

    1. My week is already stressful. Working from home and putting in lots of time. Janice

  6. I love these! And so much more special because he made them. I'm glad they are still with you. I felt that way when I found my grandmother's locket. A big smile of joy.

    1. Yes very special and a great find in these difficult times. Janice

  7. I love the tulips and am sure I would always keep them near. While I was away, I have missed so much and enjoyed going back to your previous posts to catch up. Your spring time look is wonderful!

    1. Thank you for following along on my journey. The tulips are very special to me. Janice

  8. Nice tulips Janice. I hope you have a great day!!

  9. They are wonderful! Sometimes I buy items at yard sales and tuck them away until the holiday. Just found a goose planter that I will display for Easter. Hope you are well. Kit

  10. Such a special find....and they add such a beautiful pop of color to your ahhhmazing stoneware collection. Stay well and safe ~ Robin

    1. Thank you Robin. It meant a lot to me when I found these. Janice

  11. Yes they are Sandra and yes I do have a great view! Janice

  12. Hi Janice,
    They are not only sweet, but so very special!! I love tulips and yours will never wilt!! One of my rabbits holds a cloth one I made for him! Love your stoneware sealers, too!!!! Take care, and stay safe and well, my friend!
    Heart Hugs~
    Julie xo

  13. Thank you Julie. Hugs to you too and stay safe and healthy! Janice


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