Prims By the Water

Thursday, December 12, 2019

December CupbordScape

A Colonial Tavern is what
I chose for my December CupboardScape.

Did you know that colonial taverns (bars)
helped shaped American history 
as we know today?

Taverns were not just 
a place to consume alcohol.

These establishments were a meeting 
place for men of the day.

Taverns were also a place 
to collect and deliver mail from overseas.
They were also a rest over place
for weary travelers to get a meal and bed.

Taverns also became assemblies
for meetings and courts.

It was a tavern which played a role
in the start of the Revolutionary War.
The headquarters of the Revolutionary War
began at the Green Dragon Tavern
where the Sons of Liberty first plotted
out the Boston Tea Party.

The Freemasons held their meeting
at a tavern in Philadelphia called
Tun Tavern.  

This tavern was also used by 
Benjamin Franklin to recruit
for the Pennsylvania militia.

This same tavern was where 
the United States Marine Corp
was formed in 1775.

Did you all notice my new bunny?
Folks who were at our Christmas party
last Saturday thought it was
 a real stuffed rabbit.

Guess I did a good job at creating it. :-)

Colonial Tavern Blessings To All!


  1. From the land of bars and taverns - Good Ol' Wisconsin - wish we had more historical types. It is said that some WI towns have more bars. Loving all these little history lessons and your colonial tavern wares!

    1. supposed to say...more bars than churches...

    2. More bars than churches. Well same here it seems. Janice

    3. Thanks for following along! More history to come. Janice

  2. I did notice the bunny right away; while I knew it wasn't real you did a great job making it look as tho it was a recent 'catch' for the evening's meal.

  3. great job on the bunny. Don't you think Bars are a community in itself even now

    1. Not sure as I do not frequent them. Maybe you are right though. Janice

  4. Good job with the bunny. I do like your tavern cupboard. That's great fun!

  5. Thank Jeanie! I had fun with all of my displays this year. Janice


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