Prims By the Water

Friday, December 6, 2019

Colonial Homes

Happy Friday my friends!
Hope you enjoyed the first of many
Christmas posts I have for 
this December.

Today's post is my 
Colonial Tree adaptation,
with candy canes, hooked houses,
stockings and hat boxes.

The original Colonial home
consisted of a two story home,
with one big room on each floor.

Besides the English Colonial home.
there was the Saltbox and the Cape Cod ones.

I always thought a true Colonial home
was the Saltbox.
Boy was I wrong.

 Colonial homes were influenced
by those who settled in the Colonies.

English, Georgian, French.
Mid-Atlantic, Dutch, Spanish and German.
Each brought their own twist to their homes.

English Colonial- 
traditional 2 story one room on each floor.

Georgian Colonial-
Brick with wood trim. 

Heavy upright cedar logs set vertically
with double pitched roofs.

Mid- Atlantic-
Chose I-Plan homes in that letters shape.

Gambrel roofs with stone foundations.

White washed with lime mortar
and cooling porches.

Half timber bank houses
built into hillsides.

Even log cabins in the 18th century
were not built the same as settlers
of the 19th century.
Swedish cabins were all the rage.
These were made from planed logs and stone.

If I could win the home of my dream...
it would still be a Saltbox one.

Which would be yours?

Colonial Home Blessings To All!


  1. Mine would be a stone house in those gorgeous old homes. Great tree!

    1. Oh I love those too! Definitely some from the 1700’s. Janice

  2. Replies
    1. I always admire the salt box at the museum we go to. So nice! Janice

  3. Loved today's post and more history lessons. Well, it goes without sayin that my dream home would be a Log Cabin with a nice porch out front! Hmmm, those red cloth candy canes just gave me an idea to use that red ticking in my fabric stash! Have a great weekend!!

    1. Of course you would choose a log cabin! Hope your candy canes look tick is a good choice. Janice

  4. A saltbox has always been the house of my dreams, too, but I am happy to live in a two story colonial :)

    1. I sometimes wish I had a two story...or even a basement. Janice

  5. I love Saltbox, too. And Cape Cody (are those sort of salt boxy? They remind me of New England and I love that area. And I also love your very charming trees!

  6. Love them both. I have two more trees to show. One is very non traditional. Stay tuned. Janice


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