Prims By the Water

Friday, November 8, 2019

Red Anjou

Red Bartlett
If you have never heard of these fruit names,
I am talking about red juicy pears.

These are the fabrics I chose from my stash
to create the pears for my
Partridge In A Pear Tree
Christmas Tree.

I created a pattern and hand sewed
my pears during my lunch hours at work.


A finished one.
Well almost finished.
It did have a real stick for the stem.
Plus a green wool leaf.

I had fun making these!

Also had fun adding them to my tree!

Soon I will show you the entire tree.

In other news.
Our home will not be on 
the Christmas tour this year.
Apparently another house that was chosen
for the tour had to back out,
and since that house was close to ours,
the ladies of the Historical Society
chose 2 more houses North of town. 
We are South of town.

I won't lie,
I was very disappointed when Bob told me.
However, we will be hosting a few
parties here, so all that I have done
was not done for nothing.
Plus if any of my blog friends want to 
see our house,
send me an email, and I will give
a personal tour.

I am 85% done decorating,
and need to be finished by Dec 7th,
which is our first party.

I had chosen not to light anything
until I am finished....
 for almost 2 months now,
nothing has been lit.
However last night I made Bob  
put one of the timers on with garland and lights
on the one doorway through to the kitchen.
Now I am itching to turn all of the lights on.
I will wait a few more weeks though.

With the snow we got yesterday morning,
it seems like Winter is here already
even though the calender still says Autumn.

Taking a half day off work today.
Heading to my mom's after Bob and I do lunch.
Looking forward to this craft show...
since I have not done it for many years now.

Red Pear Blessings To All!


  1. so sorry you didn't get chosen. that was not very nice of them
    but I bet it is beautiful

    1. Very correct Cathy, but oh well I had to get over it. Janice

  2. Sorry that your house was dropped off the tour. Maybe next year, they will chose your house. It will give you even more time to get ready.
    Have fun at your party.
    Hugs, Julia

    1. Not sure if I will even agree next year as I would not want to be disappointed again. Janice

  3. Those are adorable! I was wondering if you made the tour. Yes, I want a virtual tour! Good luck at your show.

    1. Thanks Jacky! They look juicy on my tree to. :-) The virtual tree will start this month. Stay tuned. Janice

  4. Your red pears look delicious and pretty on your tree! I do love the red wool idea for a winter decoration. Hmmm, I wonder if the moths would have a feast on them down here? They manage to squeeze through cracks in the screes sides and enter the house when the windows are open, especially if they get wind of something like wool to eat!

    I am sorry to hear that your house is not on the tour list after so much work that has been put into the effort. However, I have no doubt that friends and family will love the parties that you have planned and enjoy all of the lights and decorations you have so carefully placed and crafted!

    1. Yes the pears do look nice on the tree. I actually decided to light it last night when I got home from my mom's. I also brought in wood this afternoon after working the store for a bit while Bob needed to do an errand, and we are supposed to get 6-8 inches of snow Monday into Tuesday. Winter has arrived here in our neck of the woods. Janice

  5. Janice, I do love those wonderful names for the pretty fabric. How sweet your pears look! So sorry to hear about your canceled house many people will miss out on a treat for their eyes I am sure! Your Christmas party planning and lovely decorations are getting me in the mood for Christmas!

    1. Thank you. The names were actually real varieties of pear names, so I cannot take credit. Yes folks will miss out, but I have moved on now. Thanks for sharing your sweet comments with me. I so appreciate it. Janice

  6. So sorry about the house tour. It had to be so disappointing, but the bright side is the 85% of your decorating that is done.
    If I were a bit closer, I'd gladly come for that personal tour :)

    1. Yeah their loss. Hopefully I can finish up on my decor tomorrow during the snowstorm we are getting. 6-8 inches predicted and we are already under a warning. Fireplace is ready to go in case we lose power. Janice

  7. The pears are amazing Janice. I love the fabrics. So sorry about the cancelled tour. Have a great weekend.

    1. THanks Janet. Yes I was disappointed, but am over it now and moving on. Hope you had a great weekend! Janice

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you very much Lelia! Wait til you see the whole tree. Coming soon. Janice

  9. That's too bad about the tour. I'm sure your home is gorgeous! I love the pears too. We didn't get the snow they were talking about last week but this week seems like it's going to be pretty wintery! Anyway, I'm in the Thanksgiving mode and it's so late this year that my decorating for Christmas will be quickly put up the next day! Have a good week!

  10. Thank you Laurie! Yes I was looking forward to it very much. Janice

  11. It is more decked out than I normally do, so at least family and friends will enjoy it. Yes Thanksgiving is very late this year. Janice

  12. I love your pears. I think they are such a wonderful Christmas tradition and those will be perfect on your tree!

  13. Thank you Jeanie! They do look pear-fect on my pardridge in a pear tree. Janice


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