Prims By the Water

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Beautiful Room With A View

Good morning friends.
Well Sunday some storms moved in
the early afternoon.
We lost our power for a bit.
That did come back on,
however our tv and internet
 was out until Monday.
Gave me a great time to hook with no distractions.
I actually drew out a mini Halloween
project and hooked it all.
Wait til you see this one.
It is wicked good!

When we were on our mini trip
back in July
there was this fountain 
right outside our suite.

The Brooks Memorial Fountain
was erected in 1930
We were told it has 96 color combinations,
and runs from May thru September.
I took photos of a few of the colors....
but forgot to take pics 
of the yellow and orange ones.
Below are the col0rs I did captured
from our room.

This is the fountain in the daytime.
It is a Greek Doric design
similar to the one Marie Antoinette
had in the garden of Versailles, France.

I so enjoyed sitting in our suite and watching
all of the different colors.
I did not count them,
 but the colors were very pretty.

I also did a rub on the top of the pantry box.
I still don't know who was the maker,
so if any of you can figure it out,
please let me know.

 Beautiful Blessings To All!


  1. Oh well, it was an idea which didn't seem to do any good. But at least 'we' tried. Beautiful fountain. Funny thing about storms. My son lives about 2 miles from me (as the crow flys). He had buckets of rain dropped, horrendous wind and lightening. I head the rumbles of thunder and had about 2 minutes of rain. Go figure.

    1. Yes we tried for sure. That is crazy that your son had rain more than you did. Just crazy weather this year all over. Janice

  2. HI Janice, I am back from the mountains and enjoying the continuation of the many interesting photos from your visit to the old haunted Inn! Besides the Inn itself, the area looks to be wonderfully historic. You and Bob selected a great place to visit and spend some free time!

    A completed Halloween project you say????? It won't be long now until Fall gets here. In NC , we got to pick early ripe apples from a family farm, and I spied a small Sassafras tree that was a bright orange and yellow along the road towards the cabin we stayed at. Despite the miserable hot and humid summer we have all endured, the tilt of our hemisphere away from the sun is happening on schedule. The plants tell us to just hang tight while they continue to do their usual pattern! This also means that pumpkins are finishing up and will soon be loaded into trucks headed south. One of the first sources of pumpkins in our grocery stores are the little pie pumpkins from Michigan. I've got my eye peeled for their arrival!! Thanks be to Michigan!! LOL!!

    1. Yes the location was suggested by friends of ours which turned out to be just perfect for a small getaway. I did not know our state provided yours with pumpkins? They must have pumpkin farms on the west side as over here we grow corn, soy beans and sugar beets which the deer love all three. I saw 5 this morning on my way to work. Janice

  3. Sometimes those unexpected ‘gifts of time’ are the best.
    Glad you got some hooking done.

    1. Yes in this case it was and so glad I did my wash the day before. Janice

  4. What a beautiful fountain. I could see how it would be mesmerizing. Thanks for your visit, Janice. I am having fun painting but I think I will just stick to Santa's maybe. My others are not turning out so well. Happy Wednesday..Judy

    1. It was so beautiful to watch! Well Christmas 🎄 is coming around the corner so painting Santa’s is logical. Janice

  5. Hi Janice!!!! I bet that fountain was even more beautiful to witness in person. Gorgeous. Did you say that you worked on a small Halloween project... yay! my favorite time!!!

  6. The fountain was awesome. We even sat at a bench closer to it in the evening. Just fantastic. Yes I have been working on Halloween goodies for a while now. Our show is in 2 weeks. How time flies by. Janice

  7. A very handsome fountain. And I'm certainly glad that the power is back. I hate losing power!

  8. I dont mind losing power in the Summer because it is at least warm outside. It was a beautiful fountain indeed! Janice


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