Prims By the Water

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Christmas In July

A Big thank you to everyone for
your well wishes on our anniversary.
We had a fabulous time.
Cannot wait to share our experiences 
with you in future posts.

Today I would like to share
my final house patriotic display.
I call it Christmas in July.
You will understand. 

The scottie dog is an heirloom.
My dad made this for me many moons ago.
I still love it.

It went well with my patriotic 
Christmas tree.

A corncob Christmas tree to be exact.

I apologize for the dark pictures.
Did not realize at the time they were dark,
and I was just too dang tired to shoot the 
pictures again since we got in late from our trip.

Can you say ghost????
More to come on that.

Tonight my mom is coming in.
Our family reunion is tomorrow.
More fun!

What will your weekend be like?

I have to take pops (FIL) grocery shopping
right now, then cleaning will be my day.

Christmas In July Blessings To All!


  1. Family made items are the best! I love the checkerboard and an oak chest my father made and still have them both. My brother made me a napkin holder with ducks on each end which I enjoy and still use. Hmmm, think that may call for a post about family made gifts.

    Love your hooked cat rug and oh but does that Cracker Jacks box bring back childhood memories.

    Can't wait to hear about your ghost encounters. Be sure to scan your photos carefully for the round orbs.

    1. How awesome that you have something from your father. Family made gifts are the best. I made baby Afghans for my niece and nephews. The rug was a tribute one for our dear sweet peeps who passed away a few years ago. I always miss his big eyes and his meow. Janice

  2. I always enjoy your displays sounds like you had fun

  3. Happy Belated Anniversary! Can't wait to hear about ghosts! Love it!

    1. Thanks Robyn! Tomorrow’s post I will talk about my ghostly encounter. Janice

  4. I'm sure the Scottie dog makes you smile and brings back wonderful memories :)

    1. He sure does Lauren! Great memories of my dad and I doing shows together. Janice

  5. Love your corn cob tree. Oh the memories of cracker jacks !!

    1. Thanks Rose! I still love me a good Cracker Jacks, but the prizes are not like what they use to be. Janice

  6. HI Janice~ Sorry I have been MIA for the past few posts but we were in Canada, near Ottawa, visiting with friends at a lake cabin and WIFI was limited. A patriotic Christmas in July is indeed a great idea and your corn cob tree is perfect for the occasion. I see lots of dollies nested in the branches too. You know how I excited I get over your handcrafted dollies!!!

    I hope you have a wonderful family reunion this weekend and a Happy belated Anniversary too!!

    1. Well I figured you were off on some adventure as I can always count on your sweet comments. Hope you had a grand time! Reunion was fun and thanks for the anniversary wishes. Bob and I had a great time antiquing and touring the town. Janice

  7. I love your tree! And I'm so delighted that your mom is coming. Have a wonderful time!

  8. Thank you Jeanie! We just hope it does not rain. Janice


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