Prims By the Water

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Bucket Benches

What wonderful days we have been having!
We thought Spring would be here to stay....
but found out more snow towards the end of the week.
Let's hope the birdies who are building their nests
will be alright.

Today I wanted to show you my four bucket benches.

This one is in our back room.

Although it is a bucket bench,
it currently holds crocks, a piggin and our clock.

This one is in our kitchen.
It does hold one bucket, another crock.
Potato mashers on top, and a scrubber
and wood spoon in the top shelf.

This one resides in our hall.
Again crocks....what can I say.
I love crocks.

Now the final one did have a few buckets.
Again crocks.

This is the cabinet above it.
It was full of my smaller bowl collection.
Empty now and heading to the store,
along with the bucket bench.
I have decided to part with these 
to bring in another cabinet that will look
better with my new scheme.

The fortunate thing about owning an antique store,
is I am able to do this.
It is very rare I part with a piece of furniture...
yet two, but alas I must with these.
The bucket bench came from the oldest farmhouse
in Allen Park, Michigan before it was torn down.
The cabinet came from a friend.
The colors are perfect together....
and hopefully the next owner will purchase both.

Gramma B had two bucket benches in her farmhouse.
She did use them for buckets.
With no running water,
she had buckets full of water to boil inside.
The other one resided on the back porch.
This one also had buckets and bags of dog food. 

Bob is not feeling so good, 
so not sure when these will go to the store.
His back is hurting him....
I keep telling him to stop doing so much.
He never listens.
Even when he called yesterday 
saying he was hurting,
after work I found him working on a small
cabinet outside the back door 
of the new store.
All I can say is "men".

Tonight is taco Tuesday night at a local restaurant.
Will enjoy time out.

Do you have any bucket benches...
or know of someone who does or did?

Bucket Bench Blessings To All!


  1. I love them! They do match so well. I know what you mean about parting with some of these old cupboards. I am going to part with a very prim wardrobe - it will be the centerpiece of my booth at the barn sale I vend at in May. I love it, I just hope the new owner does as well. Have a great day.

    1. Good luck with your sale. BTW I love that old truck you acquired. Reminds me of the one my gramma B had. Janice

  2. your pictures are pretty dark.But I do not think I have a bucket bench.
    Love the blue cupboard!

    1. Yeah some of the pics did turn out a bit sorry. Janice

  3. Love the blue hanging cupboard !!! I have one bucket bench !!!

  4. I love bucket benches and you have some real beauties Janice! Those middle two are so very unique. And GAH!!! Those amazing blues!!!! LOVE!! I only have 1 bucket bench...and it is a very plain currently resides in the master bedroom and sports a hooked rug....and usually a cat on the bottom shelf. ;-). Hope Bob is feeling better...and that you are not getting the wicked storm that we are enduring. ~Robin~

  5. We got as dusting of snow but I hear you are getting it bad now. So sorry. You must show your bucket bench one day. Bob is feeling better. Thanks. Janice

  6. I have but one and the bottom shelf holds crocks and the top patriotic items.

  7. Oooh, would love to see it someday! Janice


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