Prims By the Water

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Dust Bunnies

Sunday I needed to finish up my bunnies
for the show.
I only made a few.
Procrastination is a word 
in my vocabulary lately.
At the first of the year I had every
intention of making lots of bunnies....
P R O C R A S T I N A T I O N 
should be my word for the year.  

Here is the one bunny I managed to finish.
Actually made two.
His every day look.

Now he is sporting his Spring look.

His Autumn look.

His Winter look when he gets cold.

I spent my Entire Sunday working on these.
except for laundry.
Dinner was in the crock pot.
The dust bunnies will stay another week,
since no cleaning was accomplished.

I took this week off to help Bob with the new store.
Monday I spent the entire day cleaning
our huge cabinet that will reside at the front door,
This will hold some architectural and industrial,
and whatever will fit in it.
Yesterday I painted some squares 
that Bob cut out.
These will be turned into scrabble tiles for the wall.
On our way now to do more.

Do you ever procrastinate?

Dust Bunny Blessings To All!


  1. Yes.........I procrastinate too much it seems! How sweet your little bunnies are! I bet they will all be bought up way before Easter! Just charming! Hope you get all of your work done!

  2. Your versatile prim bunny is just perfect for hopping into the official start to Spring tomorrow! Enjoy your week off and I hope everything is going well for the new store opening!

    Procrastinate you ask? An art I have often perfected!! LOL!!

  3. Replies
    1. Yep I am a procrastinator! We all need to form a club. LOL Janice

  4. Dust Bunny Blessings To All... ha ha ha

    But your bunny are very cute..

  5. You liked that one eh? It was fitting since I was neglecting my cleaning to create these bunnies. :-) Janice

  6. Procrastination is my (second) middle name LOL.... Love your little bunny of all seasons! Happy cleaning....I have to tackle that myself...but, by now, my dust bunnies all have names and I am somewhat attached to them..... ~Robin~

  7. cleaning yet. Been working at the new store all week. so now I should start naming my dust bunnies along with the pet hair. LOL Janice

  8. Those are nice! Now I see what you meant about the procrastination post....great minds I


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