Prims By the Water

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Oh Up On

The housetop Reindeer Pause

Out jumps good old Santa Claus

Down through the Chimney

With lots of Toys

All for the little Ones

Christmas Joys!

What a perfect song for
my Christmas mantle.
Hope it does not offend anyone...
with all of the backlash over
certain Christmas songs this year.
All I can say is...
I want to go back to the simpler times.


Up On The Rooftop Blessings To All!


  1. I love that sweet log cabin. Your Santa is sweet I am all for everyone relaxing and enjoying the season.

  2. Amazing decor! Lovely as usual. Yes, simpler times again please.

  3. Please don't worry about offending anyone. I am so sick of all the political correctness BS!!!
    Sweet vignette. Love the log cabin.

  4. I love that Santa and cabin. I agree with you; for me it's Christmas. I'm not offended by what the day is to others that is their choice and they should be happy and enjoy it and let me enjoy mine. Political correctness just seems like watered down discrimination to me.

  5. I am with you! You cannot re write history because you don't like how things were in the past! It was a much better place when things were so much simpler.

  6. I'm not offended; loved the pictures of your mantle decorations. We need more of the simple pleasures of Christmas.


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