Prims By the Water

Monday, December 11, 2017

You Better Watch Out

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
I made only half of my cookies.
Will need to finish the rest this weekend.
I also took time to watch some Christmas movies,
whilst I hooked a bit on my rug.

Well it's the start of another work week for me again.
With the days shorter this time of year,
it is much harder to wake up early...
but wake up I must.

However this time of year the big man is watching.
So I must be on my best behavior. ;-)

Bob and I were on a buying trip in Florida
 4 years ago right after Christmas.
We were also visiting with his sister while down there.

When we came upon this jolly ole elf,
I knew right away he had to come home with us.

This is my display with him this year.
Part of my red & white theme in our back room.

This was last year's display.
A few ornaments this time 
with the tree in a large pantry box.

The year before I had him in the hall.
The tree had more ornaments, garland and candles.

He watches over me each year since.

So I better watch out.

Have you been on the naughty or nice list so far?
Myself I am trying very hard to stay on his nice list.

You Better Watch Out Blessings To All!


  1. It is very hard to get going in the dark and cold. I like your santa I have one also just like him. My daughter calls him scary I don't think so at all

  2. It's hard when you leave in the dark and return in the dark. I am self-employed so I at least get to be out during the daylight hours, but those are getting shorter. Your santa - jolly ol elf looks both naughty and nice.
    LOL. My girls were with acorn hollow's daughter, they thought the santa dolls I had like this were scary. I'm working my way to the nice list.

  3. I so remember those days of working where I got up in the dark and came home when it started to get again. It is hard to start a day like that!! Your little Santa is sweet. When was he made and popular? As for Santa's list....let's just say, I try my best to be on the good list as I don't want any coal in my stocking!! LOL!!


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