Prims By the Water

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Show Stopper

It's a dreary day here in Michigan,
but the temps are COLD!
Staying inside to price goodies for this weekend's show.
Then sewing up a batch of Christmas pillows.

It snowed like a banchee Friday when we left
for the prim show.
Then we encountered this deer 
who decided to run alongside our van for a bit.
He was a bit off the road, but kept running at our pace.
Bob finally slowed down more and he went into the woods.
Thank goodness he did not run into the road
when we first came upon him.

Here are some pics of our booth.

Now for some show stoppers.

This is a 1700 settle bench table.

This early horse.

A wonderful early sampler.

Loved this quilt.

Loved this make do chair and red corner shelf.

Vintage huge santas.

Find your favorite here.

This dealer made awesome waxed goodies...
that smelled amazing!

Bob and I had a great time visiting
 with our fellow vendor friends.

I  purchased another red/ white quilt.
A vintage bottle brush tree for one of my displays.
A prim sieve and some rose hips...again for displays.

Well of to work.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

Show Stopper Blessings To All!


  1. Hi Janice,
    Loved seeing all the pictures of the show!! So many amazing pieces!!! I LOVE all the show stoppers!! My favorite would have to be that big wooden bowl!! Sounds like you got some nice goodies, too!!
    Hope you stay warm!! Brrr!!
    Heart Hugs~

  2. Wow, these photos of the show are fantastic! I saw so many things I would have love to own!! LOL!! I can't wait to see your own new purchases...a new red/white quilt sounds perfect for the holidays or basic Americana decorating. I can't imagine cold and snow for the weekend! It all sounds like fun to this Floridian still just getting by with the windows open and no AC for the past two weeks!! LOL!!

  3. What a wonderful show with amazing antiques.
    Your booth looks great.
    Cold here in Ohio, too, but thankfully no snow!

  4. Oh I see lots of things I love. Looks wonderful

  5. I hate when deer do that! I've had my share of that too. I love all your goodies in your booth. Yes, you picked some show stoppers for this post. I have 2 more events before Christmas and then several weeks "off" - do self-employed people ever really take "off" - lol Have a great week!


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