Prims By the Water

Friday, August 25, 2017

Weekend Ramblings

Here is a sneak peek at what I will be doing this weekend.
Decorating for Autumn's arrival.
I already started with the area by our front door.

There are not enough days in the weekend.

The only happy End is the weekEND!

If this weekend goes as planned, 
it will not include any actual plans.'s the WEEKEND

Every day is a weekend when you are retired.
{not for me yet}

The weekend is HERE

Don't blink...the weekend may end.

Enjoy the weekend. Monday will be here soon enough.

TGIF Let the weekend begin!

The first five days after the weekend are always the hardest.

Now that you know my weekend plans...
what are yours?

Weekend Rambling Blessings To All!


  1. Our plan to just stay indoor this weekend.. :D

  2. Happy weekend to you too! We will be adding a bunny or two to our homestead this weekend, depends on if we can get two females. We just got 3 new ducklings as well. :)

  3. Dog and porch sitting for me. Watching the storm on TV and hoping for safety for those in Texas. Love your decorating, fall is the best time I think.

  4. I love your latest additions of Fall decorations in your home. That corn in the old wooden bowl looks fantastic. Such a great idea too. We had a weekend of lots of heat and intermittent rain showers. I spent the time working on projects and doing house chores. I did, however, cook up a Calabasa squash, which looks and tastes like pie pumpkins or butternut squash. From 1 cup of the cooked meat, I made my favorite pumpkin bread recipe . It always fills the house with that smell of cinnamon and the taste just makes me feel like fall is in the air!


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