Prims By the Water

Thursday, August 17, 2017


In my world TBD stands for
To Be Determined.
With that said, my TBD for today
is our hallway.

I am going to blame this on all of my blogging friends,
who have already started their own Autumn decor.

When I received my Tansy bag from Lori
{Home Spun Prims}
I just had to start my Autumn decorating.
The wheels are turning now folks.
Love Love Love my Tansy bag Lori!

Pumpkins are coming out.

Autumn floral coming out. 

Displays being rendered in my head. 

Arranging said displays.

Moving onto other displays.

Have you thought about bringing out your Autumn decor?
Have you started to display your decor?

Have a great evening friends!

TBD Blessings To All!


  1. Thank you, Janice! It looks so good where you have it! I have mine up too. And I confess, a couple autumn hooked rugs! It's been cool up here and I saw some leaves turning on my walk this morning. Love your decor pics! Lori

  2. Oh, how I love that you and others are digging into the fall decorations and setting up! The tansy bag is darling and looks quite nice on that game board too. We are well into the depths of hurricane season down here and all it does is rain, rain , and more rain as the Atlantic and Gulf just boil up storms and blow them across the state. Can you do me a favor?? Next time you get a cold front passing through, please try and blow as hard as you can towards the South. Maybe we will get some drier and cooler air!! LOL!! Meanwhile, I am enjoying some apple scented candles and some homemade applesauce I made from a recent trip to north Georgia where there first early apples were available to buy: Ginger gold and Zester. Delicious! So, you could say, I am doing a pre-fall celebration at present.

  3. Oh dear.. Love your decor.. My house is now in bad shape, as the remodeling is going on.. hope in October I can decorate my home..


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.