Prims By the Water

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

I Heart My New Goodies

Good morning sweet friends.
How is everyone doing today.
Did you enjoy the eclipse?
Did not have any glasses, but the animals
outside did not seem to know the difference either.

Now back to our regular schedule program.
I am an eclectic prim person by nature...
which means I collect what speaks to me.
My recent antique trail was not like others in the past,
but I was able to find a few things that had to have
a forever home.

One being this early blue basket.

Like Julie from 
My Primitive Heart Blog
I am somewhat of a basketcase

when it comes to baskets....and this one had to come home.
I so love BLUE!
This beauty will be the feature in my latest
bedroom nook fall bedroom display.

The last time I saw a prim wood umbrella,
I just could not afford it.
This time this one would be mine.

I am amazed that the linen is in such good shape.

Really this is a parasol not an umbrella.
It would have been used to keep a lady shaded from the sun.
I passed up an early dress for this beauty, 
but you just don't see these that often.

Then this velvety blue tomato pin keep caught my eye.

Along with these small wood hoops and tatting thread.

The hoop on the left is an oval one.

Looks perfect in my spare room...
which has my sewing theme to it.

Finally I had to just buy this new teddy.

Do you know which one is new?

If you guessed the one on the are right.
Could not leave this lil one.
I do believe he loves his new extended family.
What do you think?

Have you ever had to pass up on an antique,
and then found one again at a different time?

Heart Love Blessings To All!


  1. great finds I love that basket

  2. Hi Janice,
    Yes, I DO have a love of baskets and I just LOVE your new one, too!!!! I also love pincushions and your new blue one is a beauty!! Your new parasol reminds me of the one Amelia Peabody uses in the books by Elizabeth Peters! She is NEVER without her trusty parasol!!! The new teddy is just darling and fits in perfectly with his new family!!
    Seems like a successful shopping trip!!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Heart Hugs~

  3. Oh Janice, that blue prim basket is definitely the Cat's Meow! What a fantastic basket in superb shape. The parasol reminds me of the ones the Impressionistic painters used for the women who were out for a walk of a sunny day. And finally, your new teddy is too adorable for words. he definitely needed to come home and be a part of the extended bear family!

    Thanks for sharing today and have a great week!

  4. Great basket but I do love that much-loved bear.
    Hugs :)

  5. What a beautiful basket I love it.. I didn't have the glass .. so I couldn't see the sun..

  6. Adorable bear! I have passed and found a similar one again.


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