Prims By the Water

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Early Bowls

Good morning sweet friends.
Well my shopping trip was so so.
Not a lot of prims out there anymore.
They are getting harder to find in my neck of the woods.

Plus this weekend was filled with rain and storms.
My mom and I started our trek at 8am with rain.
So we decided to go have breakfast and hope the rain would subside...which it did
 We ended around 2:30, as bad weather came in.
 Hail and hard rain.

Saturday more rain in the morning, 
so again we visited mom's local diner for breakfast.
We normally don't eat breakfast....or should I say a good one.
It was good to sit a spell and just be with mom.
Well after breakfast we headed more North on our trek,
but again it rained hard off and on.
We again arrived back home at mom's around 2:30.
As soon as we got into the began to pour.
I decided to go home and it rained all the way.
Spent the remainder of the day at the store,
and then went to dinner with friends.

Today its chores, and work on goodies for the show.
Not much time left.
Will start a roast in the crock pot in a bit for dinner.

I did manage to find a couple of things.
Will show them off in a different post.
For now I would like to show you these 
awesome 18th century bowls I found in the back
of a friend's trunk.

She had five of these 1700 era beauties.
I bought the five and kept three.

Do you see how wonderful the patina is on this one.
I was drooling when I saw these.

Hand carved out of a tree.
Can you believe it?

The third one is a bit oval.

It is so amazing to actually have some pieces
that are this early in our home.
We have two other 1700 pieces... a windsor chair,
and dough box.

Thank you Amy for allowing me to purchase these from you.
I will cherish them forever.
The other two will be off to the show in Holly.

Well of to finish my witch projects.
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Early Bowl Blessings To All!


  1. Too bad the weather was so bad for in the downriver area, the sun was shining and not one drop of rain....I wish it would rain!! I gave up on those long, long garage sales/antique sales a while ago. I could never find a thing.....See you in Holly...I'm not doing the show...but I'm going to if you need any help let me know!

  2. Sorry to hear that the weather dampened your fun with your Mom. I understand that weather from the Great Lakes region can definitely get fierce! Wow, those bowls are gorgeous!!! What a fantastic find to add to your collection of great prims. I guess finding good prims will take more digging or perhaps a new strategy? Here in the South, good prim antiques are very hard to come by and when you see them, they are priced way beyond my reach. You do seem to have a keen eye for them and luck coming up with things so keep us posted.

  3. Hi Janice,
    Sorry you had so much rain, but it seems you did get to spend lots of quality time with your mom AND enjoy breakfast, too!! Those bowls are just gorgeous and love the patina!! Hope you do well at your show!!
    Take care and enjoy your week!
    Heart Hugs~

  4. I would gladly take some of that rain. We are so dry here in northern Ohio.
    Those bowls are WONDERFUL!!!
    Happy Sunday :)

  5. Who looks at a tree and thinks, "I should make a bowl."


    Cool, though.

  6. Aww too bad you hit all the rain, but so nice to have extended mom time and a bit more relaxation,at least until you decided to drive home. Love love the bowls. Hope all is well

  7. I love the bowls. The patina is wonderful. Good luck at the show.

  8. Sorry the pickins are so slim and you had to drive in such bad weather to boot. Love those bowls, Janice! You scored big with those! Lori

  9. Lol, I had to go and see where your at, bc your day, and lack of prime in your area, sounds like you were right in my own town! We, too, had a rainy weekend, and we too, have had the few prim shops, close up and leave the area, or just close up (retire) and it's sad to me. I often wonder, is Primitive a not so popular decor anymore? But, then, my bff and I will take a trip to Brimfield and Sturbridge Village, and prim and Shabby are everywhere! There is even a Primitive Consignment Shop, where she is always sooooo busy, she'll tell us feel free to go thru the boxes of newly dropped off merch bc she just hasn't had time to put it out yet! Maybe it's that old Location Location Location thing? I just wish that location wasn't a 2 hr drive away! Lol! I just found you thru another blogs list of fav blogs... I can't remember what one, but it hasn't been posted to in a few years, unfortunately. I was actually happily surprised to see your blog was recently posted to! Yeay, Primitives! Lol! Can't wait to poke around.... And yes, I saw that we aren't even close to one another, haha! I'm actually in Massachusetts, so, ya, not even close... We just shared the same crappy weather! ;)

    1. Lack of Prims...i hate when spell check thinks it knows what I want to say... Grrr! Lol!


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