Prims By the Water

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Cheshire Cat

Can you believe it is August already?
Around here I can tell it is.
The crows and Bluejays are talking more.
The days are getting shorter.
More foreign freighters in the river.
{freighters from other countries besides Canada and the US}

Bob's birthday was yesterday. 
We went to dinner with friends.
Fun was had by all!

This morning my son stopped by for cake
before heading off to work our store today.
He fills in when we need him to on weekends.
Thank you Matt.
However when he came in this morning,
I was in the laundry room.
His first comment to me was
"Hey mom, when are gonna get rid of the 4th of July?"
Yes I kept my trees up all month long.

I told him today after I had my chores done,
it would be coming down 
and the Fall stuff would be coming out.
He laughed and said when something happens to you guys;
**meaning Bob and I** 
Michele is going to have to deal with this.
**Michele being my daughter**
**Stuff being our antiques**

I laughed and told him this was his inheritance.
He shook his head and laughed back.
I hate to see what's in the attic he says.
{there are times I hate to see what's in our attic too}

My kids have lived with my disease all their life.
I have changed up for the seasons since they were born.
They are use to my quirks, but still cannot believe
I take the time to do this year round.

So in between loads of laundry, cleaning and vacuuming...
I will take my trees down, and everything else
that says red, white and blue.
{until next year}

Out will come my orange, yellow, and brown.
Like my latest Cheshire Cat wooly mat.
I will be smiling at what I can create for this
Autumn and Halloween season and how to display it.

May your weekend find you doing what you like to do!

Cheshire Cat Blessings To All!


  1. It was a real thrill receiving the "CROW IN OAK TREE" pillow you made all by hand. What a beautiful job you do on all the crafts you make. I will think of you and your beautiful primitive home when I look at it. Thanks Janice for selling this excellent primitive pillow. Ruth

  2. Love your Cheshire cat! Fun.
    Happy Sunday :)

  3. Love your new creation!!!! Its getting me in the mood to decorate for fall. Keep up the great work.

  4. Hahaha, Janice, I loved it that we share that "disease" of decorating for all the seasons!! It has been my love and passion since my children were very small. Fall is my all time favorite season too. After I got my sweet prim acorns from you, I left that bowl out with the scarecrow and pumpkin. Slowly but surely, other fall items have been gathering close by. Due to the awful heat and humidity down here, September 1 is my day to officially pull out all the Fall decor and have a transformation. Even though September is still hot in Florida, it does officially mark the meteorological beginning of Fall and that means that Fall is official as far as the weather people are concerned. Good enough for me!! LOL!

    Your new Cheshire Cat is so cute! I love that big grin. Enjoy your Sunday.

  5. Yes!! The days already started getting shorter ..even 2017 is going towards end...

    Anyway, happy birthday to Bob...😊😊😊

  6. Hi Janice,
    Love your sweet Cheshire Cat!! He makes me smile!!! Can't wait for fall and cooler weather, but it will take some time to get to us!! Still in the 100's here!!!
    Take care and have a great week!
    Heart Hugs~

  7. Love your new creation!!!! Its getting me in the mood to decorate for fall. Keep up the great work.



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