Prims By the Water

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Simple Garden Joy

Well folks, hope your week is going good for you all.
I managed to get a spring cold on Monday,
that has knocked me in the butt so to speak.
Have to go to work because am now covering for
someone who just retired, plus do my own job.
No therapy this week as just going to work
 is an effort in itself.
Bob has either made dinner for us or he had one of his 
many chefs cook for us
{meaning we went out for dinner}
Once done with dinner, my butt goes to bed,
and I start all over again at 6am.

Still not up to par, 
but wanted to show you my front garden
that I finished weeding on Sunday before the storms came in.

The planters on each side came from an early home.
These were the cement columns for the porch. 
I will need to find new pillows for the my other ones were blown away in a wind storm I was not expecting.

My garden is in its Spring glory.
Once again our bird friends are enjoying their
splash pad. {bird bath}
The red twig dogwood on the left is bursting into
its cream and green splendor.

The wiegelas are blooming their coats of pink.

The yarrow is budding out.
Soon it will show off its yellow flowers.

The bird's nest spruce is really green this time of the year.

Hope you enjoyed some color today.
I also hope to feeling better soon, so I can finish my 
latest Americana tree.

Well off to eat some spaghetti that Bob cooked for me.
Then off to bed again.

Simple Garden Joy Blessings To All!


  1. So sorry you are sick. Nice of Bob to cook for you tonight - get some much needed rest. I love your front garden. Everything is beautiful. We have a wine and roses Weigela that we moved from our last house last July. It should bloom any time now. Feel better soon. xoxo

  2. The geraniums are bright and gorgeous..

  3. It looks so pretty. I moved my yellow yarrow this year, split it in three. It is recovering but I don't think I will have those blooms to dry this year. Feel better soon.

  4. Love the garden, the color is beautiful. Hope you feel better soon, glad Bob knows a lot of chefs.

  5. I hope you are feeling better. A simple cold can sure kick your butt!
    Love your garden arch made from the old doors!
    Happy June :)

  6. So sorry you are not feeling well, Janice. That is no fun but especially in summer. Your yard is lovely and all your hard work shows. I love your use of the old columns for planters and the old doors for an arbor. Hope you are feeling well soon! Lori

  7. Janice, your yard is just beautiful with the flowers and landscaping! Such a lovely space to enjoy during the warmer weather ahead.

    I am sorry about this nasty cold and thankful bob can take over dinner chores so that you can get lots of rest. It is hard when you are doing the work of tow people at work. I hope they hire the new replacement soon so that you can just focus on your responsibilities. Take care!

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