Prims By the Water

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Egg-Stra Goodness

Happy Hump Day my friends.
I hope each of you had a wonderful Easter!
Had great time with my family.
My mom's dinner rolls are still the best.
Monday morning Bob and I took my mom out
for breakfast at one of our local restaurants.
She went home afterwards.

Then yesterday I had a doctor's appt
as my shoulder has been bothering me for a bit.
Unfortunately I have what is called a 
frozen shoulder and will need 
to start therapy tomorrow. 
Then 3 days a week for a month.

It is my left shoulder...and because I am left-handed,
this means no more crafting for awhile.

So much for getting a jump start on Halloween.

I did manage to get 6 new kitties done and
one pumpkin doll completed.
Now I am done for now.

My doctor did not want me using my left hand at all.
Don't tell him that I still did.
I would have went stir crazy....
but now my arm hurts more.
Guess I will have to listen to him now.

Will show off pics later on of the kitties and dollie.

Well, I must close now, because my arm is
really hurting now trying to even type this post.

I may not be able to blog as often as I did for now.
Will still visit you all, but may not be able to comment.
Just want to let you know.

Hope you enjoyed my egg displays.

Egg-Stra Goodness Blessings To All!


  1. Beautiful picture.. I'm very sorry to hear about your left shoulder.. hope you'll feel fine very soon..

  2. Sorry you have a bum shoulder, prayers for speedy recovery and ability to get back to your art.

  3. Janice, I am so sorry to hear about your painful shoulder! What a total bummer.

    I am so happy that you had a great Easter weekend and even got to make a bowl of adorable eggs AND apparently a few Halloween goodies got made as well!!! YES, please show us what you made as soon as your arm use improves.

    Take care of yourself and I hope your therapy will improve things soon for you. Have a great day!

  4. So sorry to hear about your shoulder. I hope it "thaws" quickly!
    Hugs :)

  5. Hi Janice,
    I am so sorry to hear about your shoulder!! I TRULY feel your pain as I have had it since November! Hoping your treatments help!! Rest and heat really helped me, but everything I've been told and read says it takes time to heal!
    Take care, my friend!!
    Healing Hugs~

  6. So glad that you had a nice Easter. That is a real shame about your shoulder, I hope it heals quickly. I too will be working on fall and Christmas crafts as I was just accepted into a craft sale that I used to do many years ago. But where will I find the time? LOL. Take care and happy crafting.


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.