Prims By the Water

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Horsing Around

We welcomed Spring this weekend with
almost 70 degree weather on Friday,
then a cold bitter rain all day Saturday.
I think the rain deterred folks from coming to the show.
Bob and I did ok, but the numbers were down.

I forgot to bring my camera, so sorry. :-(
I did purchase a few things which are still in the van,
We ended up purchasing a dry paint cabinet.
Cannot wait to show it to you all.
It is also still packed in the van.
Bob is going to unload today,
and bring it back home.

Our cargo van was so packed coming home,
that we could barely see each other as we even
had to pack things between us.
We even sold a cabinet and horse, 
but I think because the new cabinet was wider,
it made getting all of our totes harder to get in.
It reminded us of the time we went pickin in our
little Ford Ranger. 
We were like the Beverly Hillbillies with furniture
 packed on top of furniture.
Then it started to rain, so we had to put the tarps on.
Every now and then, Bob had to stop and re-arrange the tarps as the rain and wind would move them around.

We laughed as we reminisced about that trip on the way 
back home last night.
So glad we decided to sell the truck and get a cargo van.

This morning I decided to start digging 
out my Spring decor and felt like horsing around a bit.
Get it? 

Getting my horses ready for Spring.

Decided this year to brighten up my Spring
with more white.

Although I love the darker colors.

 Spring is better to lighten up.

Will bring back out the darker colors in the Fall again.

Well enough horsing around for me.
I have to get to cleaning out my jam cabinet
so Bob can bring in the new one when he gets here.

It is currently filled with fabric.
(Bob's painting stuff on top)
Maybe it was meant to be as I recently
took everything I had off of the top.

Some may wonder why I would get rid
 of a nice piece like this.
Well wait til you see the new one.
Bob spotted it first and wanted it.
So when he asked if it could come home,
I said yes immediately and decided to give this beauty up.
The nice thing about owning an antique store.
In other news, we have an appt. this week
with our attorney, to finally purchase our store building.
We decided to take this next step
 and are really excited about it.

What are your plans for today?
We better rein in my ramblings....
and Giddy up and Go.

Horsing Around Blessings To All!


  1. We went from one wonderful day back to cold and dreary but without the rain.
    Looking forward to seeing your new cupboard.
    Happy Sunday to you :)

  2. Those are wonderful things.
    I love the pose on that second horse,
    And the little rug with the red on the wall.

  3. Hi Janice from Lisbon, Portugal. We head home tomorrow and while it has been a wonderful trip, I can't wait to be back home and love up on my kitty!!!! I do love your horses getting ready for Spring. Your current blue cabinet is awesome so I can't wait to see this new one. Sorry the show was rain d out but happy to hear that you made some good sales and found some great treasures too.

    Hopefully more lovey days are headed up your way soon . I know everyone is getting ready for better weather and flowers!!

  4. Hi Janice, I just love your horses. I saw a similar one at an auction recently which I would have loved to have. I had a laugh about the Beverly Hill Billies comment...I could see it. The blue cabinet you're getting rid of is wonderful, the next one must be even more special. Can't wait to see it, I'll be jealous for sure. Have a great week!

  5. The horse is so so beautiful..

  6. The lighter colors are nice for spring excited to see your new cabinet. Exciting times ahead with your own store

  7. lots of fun and exciting things for you. Me work
    not so exciting

  8. Hi Janice,
    Lovely display of your horse!! Your blue cupboard is a beauty so your new one must be really awesome!! Looking forward to seeing it!! Hope all goes well with your meeting!! How exciting for you!!! Take care and enjoy the day!!
    Heart Hugs~

  9. Sorry the show wasn't as good as you had hoped. I think we all work so hard for these shows...for months....and it is disappointing when things don't turn out the way we would like them...but you have a beautiful store! And I've sold quite a few things from my antique booth in Jackson this past weeks of things I didn't sell at the show! I love your horses! So sweet and the cupboard is gorgeous!!

  10. LOVE the horses! I can't wait to see the new cupboard.

  11. Love the horses and the old cabinet as well. The store purchase is very exciting, congratulations.

  12. Hi Janice! Love those horses and the penny rug as a horse blanket is just the sweetest thing. Jane


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