Prims By the Water

Monday, February 6, 2017

Hearts Abound

In our February store window display.

Good evening sweet friends!
Another Monday of work under my belt.

Saturday night I brought dinner
aka sloppy joes and potato chips
to the store so that Bob and I could work on our
February store window display.

We spent 3 hours on Saturday night
and another 3 hours on Sunday morning...
after breakfast of course.
I think we did too good of a job though.
An hour after I left on Sunday,
Bob called to say that the dresser was sold.
(pictured above) 

I made a paper heart garland.

The conversation hearts in the window.
I made these using my computer and scrap book paper. 

I did every color except a light orange...
I could not find that color.
We kept our snowflakes up in between....
since it still is Winter.

Table display.

Cabinet display.

Basket on floor with a linsey woolsey blanket.

Settee with another linsey woolsey blanket.

Penny heart pillow I made.

Child's chair with bowl and rug piece.
This would look good as a table cover.

Early child's rocker with flowered bowl.

Big clock, candy jar on the left,
 with a cake plate & bowl on the right.

This a pale pink bow tie cutter quilt.

Another prim lady I made.

So I went back to the store after work today;
to redo the display since the dresser sold yesterday.
Bob had replaced it with curio cabinet.
Now the curio cabinet sold today....
The buyer is going to pick it up on Saturday.
I just fluffed up our window area a bit, and will 
have to redo it again on Saturday.
Not that I am complaining....its just really hard
work putting these displays together.
Just thought it would last more than a day.

Hope you liked our display for this month.
Starting to work on Easter goodies
 for our shows in March.
 Of course I will show you what I am working on.

What are your plans for the week?

Hearts Abound Blessings To All!


  1. your antique shop is so adorable...

  2. Good Morning - it all looks so nice! I'm painting a dresser to add to my booth. The color said very pink...however, I'm afraid it looks like Peptobismo (spelling?) pink...I have to distress it and bring out the old paint color...white. Once I stain and wax it, it might look better. That's what I get for buying paint from the clearance shelf. lol. Have a good week.

  3. Hi Janice,
    I always enjoy your sharing about your displays in your store! It brings back so many happy memories for me and the years I did displays for the shop I worked in!! I wish I would have taken more pictures of them! It REALLY IS hard work and takes a lot of time to get it "just right!" I always felt that I was doing a good job when something I took hours to display sold in a matter of minutes!!! You and Bob do a wonderful job and thanks so much for sharing!!
    Glad you are having some good sales from your hard work!!
    Enjoy your week!
    Heart Hugs~

  4. Janice, I just love seeing your store and home displays!! What an eye you have for putting things together around a theme too. So happy to hear that your work is highlighting furniture right our the door too!!! It must be very satisfying to see your hard hours of store decorating be immediately successful in sales. Win, Win!! Thanks for sharing these great photos and I sent you an email about that prim doll you have shown here!

  5. Hi Janice, I love the displays in your store. It's a lot of work but I bet it's very rewarding too. My problem would be that I'd want to bring everything home if I owned a store lol.


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.