Prims By the Water

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Textiles That I Love

Howdy folks and happy Weekend to you all!
For those who have been following me for awhile
know that I love quilts.
Whenever I come across any, I try to buy them.
Early textiles such as quilts and pillows were made out 
of necessity... while I buy them primarily for their looks,
I still do use them for throws and place them on the bed.
My kitties do enjoy sleeping on them as well.

This time I found both this blue tick pillowcase
and a precious quilt pillow.

What I especially loved about this pillow;
it is reversible with the same pattern...
so I get two looks for one.

This blue and white quilt
 just had to come home with me too!

I even love the reverse of this beauty.

Bob says I am getting to be a hoarder of quilts.
I say one can NEVER have enough. LOL

What do you think my friends?

Textile Blessings To All!


  1. The pillow is charming ♥ Hugs

  2. I am with you Janice! Old quilts are like having friends around. They are not just beautiful snapshots of our past, they also hold stories of families and people whose hands carefully crafted them. I love them for these reasons!

  3. Great indigo quilt! I collect and make quilts and my children are glad of it! And cats and quilts just go together! It is sad when I find family quilts that no one wants. Kind of like finding an orphan...

  4. Cats and quilts are must haves for any home! Clarice loves snuggling on/under hers and any others that she can find in the house.


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.