Prims By the Water

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Antique Trail Finds

Good afternoon sweet friends.
Oh my, it was an eventful day yesterday.
My mom and I started at 8:00 am on our quest for goodies.
It was the annual Antique Yard Sale Trail.
This trail starts at our house and goes all around
the Thumb of Michigan.
Although my mom is not fond of antiques....
she likes to go with me.
Its our mom and daughter time.
I must say it was the hottest one in the 14 years
we have been doing this.

This is an early Maryland crock.
A 4 gallon blue slip beauty.

So soon after I found this crock,
I started feeling really weird.
It was 1:00 pm and I had heat exhaustion.
Temps were almost 90 at that time.
Most of the time, I made my mom stay 
in the air conditioned car and I went scouring
for goodies.
Going in and out of the air for hours got to me.
I had to stop and get
We were close to my mom's house by this time,
 so we stopped at one of the local restaurants.
We drank a pitcher and a half of cold cool water,
and each had a sandwich.
It was what I needed.
After lunch, we were at it again.

Found a bunch of stone fruit grapes and a fig.

Two nice pieces to add to my collection.

Grapes set on top.

This piggin caught my eye.
For those not familiar with what a piggin is;
farmers used these small handled pails 
to slop pigs or feed their chickens. 
It was easy to hold the handle and scoop the feed.

Then I could not pass up this handled pie peel
or breadboard as some folks call it.

It was really worn down at the bottom,
and two old metal staples were placed
to keep the board from cracking any more.
I just love it!

Finally, I could not resist this oyster colored firkin
or sugar bucket as some call it.

We ended back at my moms around 5:00 pm
and we went to dinner at a different restaurant in town.
Then the rain started...all evening and this morning.

All in all, I was able to find goodies 
for our upcoming show in Holly,
for the store..and of course myself!

Since it was still raining,
 after my mom and I 
had breakfast at the local diner
 I  decided to just drive home and not shop anymore.
The trail is Friday ~ Saturday ~and Sunday.

Bob said we had 2.5 inches of rain here yesterday.
Much needed...but not all at once, so there was some
ponding and trees down around here.

I also bought a few more things.
Will show those in another post.

Well I must get back to finishing up the last of my
stitching projects.

Stay cool my friends!
Antique Trail Blessings To All!


  1. I love the pie peel especially with the staples. You are really brave to go out in this heat. You must be a true pilgrim. We had buckets of rain all day today, much needed it was. Hope I can see you all in Holly.

  2. Great finds! Stone fruit is one of my favorites! Love the repair on the peel.
    Glad you caught the heat exhaustion early.
    See you in Holly.

  3. I wasn't able to go to any sales this weekend...held hostage by the contractors on Friday so they could finish up...then Saturday we had two grad parties to go to..Looks like you found some really cool stuff!

  4. Hi Janice, Love your finds, esp. the crock. Sounds like an awesome trip. hugs, Lecia

  5. Hi Janice, what an exciting day that must have been. I wish I had been there. It's so nice that you and your Mom can share that time together.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog. That's a nice memory of haying on your grandparent's farm.

  6. Hi Janice, what an exciting day that must have been. I wish I had been there. It's so nice that you and your Mom can share that time together.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog. That's a nice memory of haying on your grandparent's farm.

  7. Janice, you found some really awesome goodies!! How lucky you are to still have your mom to spend a day together with. That is such a blessing! I wish I could have been there with you as it looks like there were some great primitives to be had. Looking forward to seeing what else you found. Hopefully the worst of the hot weather will be leaving as August starts to move towards September.

  8. Oh my, really scored! I'm glad you stopped when you did to get water and something to eat. That sounds like such a fun thing to do. Wish I wasn't way up in the u.p. Thanks for showing your goodies! Lori

  9. Sounds fun! Love the stone fruit you found! That hot weather can do a number on you for sure.

  10. NICE Janice!!! Great antiques.
    I was the same one the US 12......HOT getting in and out of van got to me too. Found some great stuff for Dawns show too.
    See you soon!!!!

  11. Wowsers...what I wouldn't give to be able to go to one of those sometime...but I probably wouldn't make but 1/2 a mile LOL...I seem to find almost everything interesting. ;o) You have impeccable taste though...each of the things you got would have had to come home with me too. I love them all. I started collecting stone fruit a while ago...but they got packed up with our remodel, and dang if I have found them yet!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (PS - thanks so much for the visit!!)

  12. Great finds, glad you were able to overcome heat exhaustion.

  13. Great finds, glad you were able to overcome heat exhaustion.

  14. What a fun outing.
    I love the crock!!!


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