Prims By the Water

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


I hope this post finds everyone well.
It sure is a HOT one here today
in our neck of the woods.
Hoping some rain comes in this evening
as predicted by our weathermen.

Today I thought I would let you see my latest
creation, which is a candle mat.

This mat is made out of fall colored fabric
whilst the words are in a gray wool.

The letters are hand stitched.

I left one block untouched,
so you can easily place your candle there.

The back side is a different gray calico print.
There is also a layer of batting in between.

Kindly asking $15.00 plus shipping.
If interested, please email me at
I only allow so many to me sold via my blog,
as I need some for our show and store.

Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Stay cool and hydrated my friends.

Boo To You Blessing To All!

1 comment:

  1. That's cute! Fall will be here before we know it. Time just goes so fast anymore!


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