Prims By the Water

Friday, May 27, 2016

My Mother's Day Gift

Good morning sweet friends.
Would you like to see my Mother's Day gift,
Anniversary present, Birthday present,
Christmas present, Valentines
and every other holiday Bob could think of
when he surprised me with this on Mother's Day.

I have wanted something in this part of our kitchen for awhile now.
In fact I even finally asked Bob if he could make some 
type of furniture piece to stick under this window.

He did not disappoint...
and he did not even have to make it.
He bought this scrub bench and it fit perfectly.

I placed my lye soap  on the second shelf.
The spot on the left is the residue from soap placed long ago.

Added more lye soap, a black pantry box and scrub brush.
Mashers on top and a wood bucket and crock
 to complete my gift.

I think Bob did a good job in purchasing this gift for me.
Even though it was for all of the holidays combined this year....
so he says right now anyway.  :-)

Then just before his surgery he also decided to take out one of the rugs
in the store and it fit perfectly in our kitchen.

Guess what Bob... I don't think I will be letting this go back to the store now.
Shadow told me he wants it to stay here now too!

Wishing all of my friends a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!
Let us take the time to remember those who lost their lives
so that we are able to be free.

Scrub Bucket Blessings To All!


  1. Everything looks perfect, Janice! I love that little scrub bench...he did, indeed, do a good job in picking it out...but my husband says the same gift for all year...nope...doesn't happen!! Lucky us! Hope he is feeling better....have a great holiday weekend!

  2. Lucky you Just love how you have it styled Your husband did really good and id be happy to have things combined for a fab antique I like the rug too Have a happy holiday

  3. Hubby did a great job - what a perfect bench, and it looks fabulous with your soaps, mashers and things. The rug looks terrific too! Jane

  4. Morning Janice, love the bench, fits right in your prim perfect home.Blessings Francine.

  5. The bench is just perfect.
    Hope hubby heals quickly.
    Happy Memorial Day :)

  6. What a guy! Love it, Janice. It looks perfect. You are one lucky girl! Lori


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