Prims By the Water

Friday, January 22, 2016

White Sale

Good evening sweet friends.
We all have probably shopped a certain store January white sale...
I know I have.

But do you know the history of the "White Sale"?

While showing you pics of my own favorite whites
I will tell you how how it all began.

It all started in 1878
with a very progressive shopkeeper from Philadelphia
named John Wanamaker.

In the 19th century,
bed linens were only made in white.

To boost sales

since January tended to be a slow month, 

Mr. Wanamaker needed to do something.

To do this he decreed that every January

 he would have a white sale on all bedding.

White Sales are more than just linens.

Most stores now also include household goods
with their White Sales.

Did you happen to take advantage of any white sales?

Wishing all of my blogging friends who are affected
by this strong winter storm and tornadoes
well wishes.
Bob and I were just there two weeks ago in the very same area.

January White Sale Blessings To All!


  1. I remember the large department stores in my home city of New Orleans. My mother would wait for the white sale, and we would get needed sheets, towels, and other linens. I remember that cutlery and kitchen needs were also put on sale at a certain time of each year.

  2. Good Evening friend...I can't say I ever shopped a "White Sale" but I have certainly enjoyed drooling over your favorite whites ...LOVE them all ! Have a great weekend , you and Bob snuggle up and stay warm ~ hugs Angie

  3. Hi Janice! I remember my mom waiting for January every year to freshen up her linens. I love a good white sale! Your pretty whites are eye candy (cake and ice cream, too). Happy weekend to you! Jane

  4. Hi Janice, thank you for the information on white sales. Love all of your beautiful collections. hugs, Lecia

  5. Morning Janice, that was very interesting on the white sale, never knew.... Love your whites, your collections are so great.Blessings Francine.

  6. Love all your pictures, Janice....I used to go to the white sales, but I have all the linens I need! See in you in Holly!!

  7. What an interesting post and I love all of your white things!
    Be blessed,

  8. Beautiful collection of whites Janice!
    Loved to know the history as well.
    Stay Warm
    Many Blessings


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