Prims By the Water

Monday, January 18, 2016

Heart Warming

Good morning friends.
A cold one here in Michigan this morning.
Would be much colder if not for our Great Lakes.
They protect us quite a bit.

The last part of our trip was the wedding in NC.
My nephew married his true love.
Alas, all of my wedding pics were too blurry to post.
The reception was nice!
The dinner was good!
The cake was awesome!
Even the temps were mild. In the mid 50's.
Went some antiquing whilst there too.
More of my finds later.

For now, I was looking at my stash of buttons,
I have another jar full of them along with this one.

I remembered Lori over at
Notforgotten Farm did a similar thing with buttons.

I had this blue wool and decided to make a pillow.

Using various antique buttons.

Stitched to the blue wool.

Which at least warmed my heart up inside.
This pillow is for sale. Currently in our store.
Hope everyone has a great week!

Heart Warming Blessings To All!


  1. Brrr is the word here as well, Janice! -27 windchill. Your sweet little heart definitely is a chill chaser! Buttons in a jar are always so charming. I really need to start one. Have a wonderful day my friend! Jane

  2. Afternoon Janice, oh so cold here too..... I love the button heart on the blue wool pillow, looks so wonderful. Keep cozy,Francine.

  3. Your button pillow is very cute! How I loved my grandmother's button jar when I was young.

  4. Your pillow is a adorable, that's alot of sewing!

  5. Good morning Janice!
    It's a cold 4 below right now - this below zero streak can stop
    Love the pillow - Buttons seem to find their way into many types of crafting doesn't it?
    I have a ton of buttons I need to do something with.


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