Prims By the Water

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Autumn Has Reached Our Back Room

Good evening sweet blogging friends.
Happy Hump Day!
I don't know about you all,
but this week has been a killer for me.
Is there an Autumn Harvest full moon out there?

As most of you know,
since breaking my big toe in September,
I have not been able to get into our attic
to grab the rest of my Autumn decor out.

So I had to improvise a bit for our back room.
This is our Summer room...
but since my son came back to live with us...
well we gave up this room so he would have a place
to watch his own tv and do whatever.

However I decided to try and do a bit of re-arranging.
Christmas is around the corner and I always have my family over.
( Do you see my plastic container in the basket?)
I use this for my button stash when making my creations.
I have a confession.
Most of my crocks and baskets have something in them.

I did a bit of a switcherooo.
Swapped out the dry sink for the bucket bench and vice versa.

Added this orange wool to the back of our chair.

A mini Indian corn bundle next to the long johns.

Took my flower arrangement from the spare bedroom
which I had there last Autumn. 
(shhh don't tell anyone I forgot to put it away last year)
Its our little secret.

Added my doorstop fabric kiity and a candle to the dry sink.

Better view of the dry sink.

Found my fabric pears.

Voila...a bit of Autumn for our back room.

Now hopefully I will be better by next month
to start getting the Christmas decor down from the attic.

On another note.
I loved reading all of your costume comments.
It seems our mother's were very creative in getting us
ready for Halloween back in the day.
There are a few days left for those who
still want to participate,
Just leave a comment on my last post.
I will pick a name sometime on Friday evening
using Random Generator.

Good Luck!
Back Room Blessings To All!


  1. Love all of the TLC you put into your decorating Janice! I haven't got my decor down from the attic either, but I don't have a good excuse like you! ~*~Lisa

  2. A bit of Autumn mixed among your primitives...looks wonderful...I just love this time of year...I make the Mr. head to the attic, I'm to afraid of bats...

  3. You've done a good job bringing fall to your home without a trip up to the attic. I hope you recover soon!

  4. Afternoon Janice, love your little Autumn touches mixed into the great prim's you have. Your cozy home always looks wonderful.Blessings Francine.

  5. wonderful decorating! thanks for sharing!
    I always enjoy your photos!

  6. Hi Janice - what fun decorating.
    Your crock collection is just beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.